RE: Preview's 1 -> 4 shows that GSX is coming along quite nicely.
... a few suggestions if you would kindly consider them...
1. Regarding the animated character's motion; their gate (the way they walk); still looks a little CGI and not yet *human* in the way their bodies motion & mechanics coordinate while they walk. For movies, I know that companies have to get staff (or hire actors) to gather motion-capture data to get that feature correct... is this at all possible for GSX? It would simply make all the marshaller's and different crew look a little more *real* as they do their respective duties. Right now many aspects are quite good looking, its just their *gate*, when they walk, still looks too CGI.
2. Can you make GSX have a user-selectable check box in the ADDON menu for it to auto load this module (itself) each time a flight/FSX is launched? (i.e. When you launch at the gate, GSX is already loaded every time and you don't have to manually click short-cut key commands/click menus to enable it each time).
3. Can you make the YouContol parking module to auto load the Marshaller at the gate assigned by FSX's ATC services (along with the Follow-Me vehicle taxiing you to the correct gate) automatically without the user having to go through the menus to assign it themselves? It should be possible to get this via SimConnect from the ATC communication to the Pilot/User when parking is assigned. This would make the GSX product more seamless and *real* to the Pilot/User the way it is done in real life. This could also be part of the payware version if not in the initial release and add much worth to that feature but still leave the User Menu selection features for those that would like to make their own selections.
Good Luck & look forward to the next preview(s); Ciao!

BTW: Really like the improved Runway Textures (upgrades) to the FSDT KLAX product in the 4th video; BRAVO!