Author Topic: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X  (Read 341510 times)


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2011, 08:15:00 pm »
1. Will there be a way to interface the specific aircraft with the ground services? Ex. (AES config menu within FS?)

We don't have a config page like AES but, we derive most of the parameters we need (like doors, airplane dimensions, etc. ) automatically, either via the aircraft.cfg, via Simconnect, or in-memory access in some cases.

2. What about 3rd party addon's such as (Aerosim RJBB, RJBE etc?), i'm guessing this would be possible to implement since your using same parameters as default FS vechiles? I hope we are able to add to any airport we would like from a config page or something.

As for the airplane, we'll try to do it as easy to use as possible: an airport will be supported automatically, by reading the AFCAD directly, and placing vehicles according to that informations. The same general .BGL priority rules are used so, the AFCAD which has the highest priority will be used.


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2011, 08:30:03 pm »
Umberto it looks really great! and excatly how I imagined it to be. I know it is still in devlpment there was a few comments on youtube about the tugs with the carts that should not go under the wing as a former ramp worker that is true I unfouratly dont have the documation for the guide lines Ill hunt to see if I find one there is a certain way you have to drive your tug towards the cargo door to aviod the wing.

New Jersey EWR


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2011, 08:34:08 pm »
I've purchased many AES credits, but I am very interested in GSX also and plan to purchase as soon as available.

Feature question - would it be possible to incorporate a list/dataset that would allow users to include or prohibit certain GSX actions per airport?

For example if I did not want GSX baggage handlers at LSZH and no GSX whatsoever at KFDW, I might have the following:

Code: [Select]
  <Airport ID="LSZH">
    <BaggageHandler Disable="True" />
  <Airport ID="KDFW" Disable="True />


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2011, 08:40:46 pm »
Feature question - would it be possible to incorporate a list/dataset that would allow users to include or prohibit certain GSX actions per airport?

We thought about this but, the main issue is many services are dependent from each other and there are several logical constraints between them like, for example, if you request a refueling when your passengers are still on board or are still boarding, you can, but it will first call the fire brigades so, it's somewhat difficult to just switch off a single service.


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2011, 08:42:53 pm »
This looks amazing guys! I can't wait!

P.S.: James Charms, I think this is what you were looking for ;)


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2011, 08:48:31 pm »
I am so happy!!!!!!!!!! The flying experience just got better!!!!! You have earn a loyal fan !!!


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2011, 08:49:13 pm »
A short note, the video is somewhat jerky at times, but that's entirely due to Fraps (I bought it yesterday and haven't found the time to configure it properly to not affect fps too much). In the sim, it's absolutely smooth, and animations are really fluid.


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2011, 08:52:41 pm »
Feature question - would it be possible to incorporate a list/dataset that would allow users to include or prohibit certain GSX actions per airport?

We thought about this but, the main issue is many services are dependent from each other and there are several logical constraints between them like, for example, if you request a refueling when your passengers are still on board or are still boarding, you can, but it will first call the fire brigades so, it's somewhat difficult to just switch off a single service.
Ah, I understand.  GSX is sounding very clever and detailed.  :)

It's that I believe that AES will automatically perform certain actions without having to call for them - such as have the marshaller present, send airstairs if a jetway is not present or extend a jetway, etc.  I'm not sure of the entire list.

So if it becomes a question of "do I run AES or GSX at a given airport?" then the already existing AES menu can handle that.

Now I wonder if GSX would also handle the thumpthumpthump of the centerline runway lights? ;)


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2011, 08:54:30 pm »
I'm curious if you could expand a bit more on how the AFCAD is used.  Honestly at this time, about the only thing I am using AES for is realistic pushback.  It would seem that if you're reading out of an AFCAD, there might be a possibility of interacting with pushback for a smoother interaction rather than the default 1,2,1,2 dance?  I don't really care so much about realistic paths for pushback, but would just like to be able to say 1) start pushback 2) I want to end facing this direction and then end up somewhere near a taxiway without having to judge when to push 1 or 2.  My sense has been that many people feel the same way and in large part this is why AES still has a role in FSX (the jetways and vehicles, particularly now, or not terribly useful anymore).


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2011, 09:03:06 pm »
Umberto, as this is an FSX only product, will you still allow Oliver to impliment AES into your future FS9 products???

Yes, Oliver knows about this for a long time (more than a year) and we agreed that, as long we are producing FS9 sceneries, we'll still support AES and will not do anything special to prevent it, even in FSX.

We don't want to force anyone using our product, there might be some things that AES does better, since each single supported airport is individually tweaked (which is both the best *and* the worse AES feature), our approach is different, and it's all geared to supporting every possible airport right from the start.

Thanks Umberto, it is so great to hear about different developers working together. I am very jealous of the new product!!  ;)


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2011, 09:04:41 pm »
I don't really care so much about realistic paths for pushback, but would just like to be able to say 1) start pushback 2) I want to end facing this direction and then end up somewhere near a taxiway without having to judge when to push 1 or 2.

That's exactly how our push back works: GSX keeps in memory the whole taxiway structure of the airport you are currently in, so you'll just have to specify a direction, and the truck will tow you to the nearest taxiway node on that direction. A similar concept is used for the Follow me car.


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2011, 09:05:04 pm »
A short note, the video is somewhat jerky at times, but that's entirely due to Fraps (I bought it yesterday and haven't found the time to configure it properly to not affect fps too much). In the sim, it's absolutely smooth, and animations are really fluid.

When you figure it out can you share with us? It's the reason I don't use fraps anymore for making videos. Only screenshots...


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2011, 09:11:22 pm »
Im guessing if this doesn't have gate animations, all you do is just uncheck the cargo doors on AES and use GSX for those but just use the gate animations with AES....maybe who knows  ???

Still very interested, brings a whole new life to flight sim


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2011, 09:21:12 pm »
Hello Umberto found one example. on servcing in md-80 but you can see were the tugs are going hope this helps. just a picky thing from former and current ramp workers.  ;D
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 09:23:21 pm by Silverbird »

New Jersey EWR


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Re: GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2011, 09:22:57 pm »
Im guessing if this doesn't have gate animations, all you do is just uncheck the cargo doors on AES and use GSX for those but just use the gate animations with AES....maybe who knows  ???

About jetways: we made a precise design choice of not trying to add features to 3rd party airports, because that takes a lot of time, requires talking with developers and not all agree altering their sceneries or the way they work just to have animated jetways (some are even opposed to animated jetways...). For that, there's AES, with its selection of supported airports.

We wanted to support all airports from the start and in FSX it's basically possible, except for jetways so, we decided to not add them.

We'll work with what's already there so, if the airport has FSX animated jetways (a "proper" FSX scenery should, imho...), they'll just work. But if they are static, GSX will see that, and will call Passengers stairs and a Bus.