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question i installed V5 on a diverent drive how can the scenery be installed cause its still installing it on V4.5


--- Quote from: jwcruz825 on July 10, 2020, 03:39:13 am ---question i installed V5 on a diverent drive how can the scenery be installed cause its still installing it on V4.5
--- End quote ---

I'm not sure what do you mean with "still installing it on V4.5":

- If you mean "inside the P3D 4.5 root folder", our installer doesn't install like that. It installs in a shared folder, which by default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager, which will contain all FSDT products, with all different variations ( when required ) of files used by all different simulators you use.

When you install the first FSDT product in your system, you CAN change this folder, which can be anywhere, and changing it to be "inside" the root of the simulator, is probably the worse choice you can do.

- If you mean "in their own folder, but activated in 4.5", if you are starting an FSDT installer, and you don't see the option to "install" into P3D V5 ( which doesn't mean "installing inside its folder" ), the only possible explanations is that you are using an outdated installer that supports only P3D V4, so you must download the updated installer.

So, in order to install into V5, the only thing you should do, is to download the latest installer for P3D4/5, and this will surely "install" in P3D V5.

If you originally decided you didn't like the default install in C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager, and changed it to the worse possible choice of installing INTO the V4 folder, I can see how this can be very confusing to you, and that's precisely why I said installing INTO the sim is probably the worse possible choice, because you are likely to assume the products are installed *there* ( and there only ), when in fact that is supposed to be a shared folder for all simulators, which HAPPENED to end up inside one of the simulators own root folder, just because you told the installer to do that.

So yes, while IT IS possible to have an FSDT installation INSIDE the V4 folder, that can be used by V5 ( provided you used the latest installer, and asked to install in V5 ), it's extremely confusing and messy. There IS a reason why our installer suggest a folder completely outside the sim.

So, if you are in the situation you must remedy your initial mistake of not accepting the default installation folder, and want to redo everything from scratch, do as follows:

- Uninstall every FSDT product you have. Every scenery and GSX

- Reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager ?". THIS IS IMPORTANT, if you skip this step, you won't be able to freely choose a folder when reinstalling

- Reinstall all your FSDT products again, and this time either accept the default installation folder, or any other folder, but don't select the simulator folder. If you have a separate disk with more space, just select that disk root, it will create an Addon Manager folder inside, and this is also perfectly fine.


Hello, I tried to make a purchase GSX + GSX L2 by Paypal several times and I couldn't, I entered all the data and nothing. I would like to know why? Thanks


--- Quote from: kiko43 on February 17, 2021, 07:41:29 pm ---Hello, I tried to make a purchase GSX + GSX L2 by Paypal several times and I couldn't, I entered all the data and nothing. I would like to know why?
--- End quote ---

You must understand that, nothing related to the actual purchase process happens under out control or on our site. Your are buying from Digital River, on Digital River site, and we don't have any details about your payment or how it works, we only get notified by Digital River after the whole transaction that happened on their site completes.

So, for any questions about the actual payment process, I suggest to contact Digital River here:

Compile the "Still need help?" form.


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