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FsDreamTeam introduces user controlled Deactivation

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Haven't needed this (yet) but its nice that you are looking at ways to make life easier for your customers.

scott s.

Anders Bermann:
Nice addition! Definately a nice improvement! :)
Must admit, that I've been sighing for this for some time! Thanks FSDreamTeam for your continuous support!

Just a question... (don't know, if you can answer this, but here goes...):
Does this new 'policy' apply to other products using the eSellerate engine? I.e QualityWings Boeing 757 Series?

Thanks again! 


--- Quote from: Musjo on February 08, 2011, 12:56:03 am ---Does this new 'policy' apply to other products using the eSellerate engine? I.e QualityWings Boeing 757 Series?
--- End quote ---

Yes, all Flight sim products that use our Addon Manager for activation already got this feature because of the update.

The only thing that might change depending on the developer is (like the number of Activations before emailing) the maximum allowable Deactivations before emailing.

okay,I get it and thanks for the reply. :)

Have FS9, I am getting a new computer for FSX and FS9, can I use the FS9 airports on both computers?


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