Author Topic: Install Problems  (Read 20619 times)


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Install Problems
« on: January 29, 2011, 12:29:15 pm »

I've recently reinstall Fsx where JFk's scenery where working perfectly but i'am remaining unable to install it again. At the end of the install process, after the C++2005 finishing install, the installer freeze, with green line full, and above the " finishing installation". And that's the same for all your product, Addon manager or anything else. I know that at the point of installation there is a little windows which is cheking online and installing bglmanx ... and all the rest but this windows never come and i've stop, kill the process (where there is 3 setup applicaion in task manager which is quite strange for this) . I've tryed every thing :

- Fully disable Antivir
- Installing offline
- Wait for more than one hour ....
-Go in temp folder trying to lunch manually the online cheking.... but nothing

I need your help and i hope you will be able to solve my problem.



Windows 7 32b


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2011, 03:51:40 pm »
First, 3 setup applications will surely cause problems so, do a Windows reboot first, and don't try to launch a second setup, if the first one didn't end.

If you don't see the last window, that downloads the bglmanx.dll and couatl.exe from the internet, it's possible the problem might be a firewall blocking access to the installer. However, a firewall problem usually results in a another window saying there's no internet access and asking if you want to use the local copy of those files. Do you see this one ?

Try to turn off any security programs, both antivirus *and* firewalls.


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2011, 11:31:41 pm »
Hello and thank you for replying,

What's very strange is that there are still 3 fsdt setup Application in the task manager as i've only run the installer once, it's something i've noticedon my previous install few weeks ago which worked. The JFk airport is still activated on the computer as i've just change my fsx main directory. Note that i've uninstalled it properly before reinstalling.

According to the antivirus/firewall, i've completely disable my antivirus and i'm not using specific firewall, will check the default windows one before next try. For information, no i don't have any windows asking to install local copy of these modules... that's strange... please not that i can't click on the red cross or reduction button of the install windows, as i said, it's like frozen, when i click around the windows i got the windows bip sound, but on the task manager it's still appearing as running properly(except that there are 3 of them...2 with fsdt logo, one with default windows exe logo).  

I've trying to install other addon with/without active connexion and i didn't report any issue. It's only happen with fsdt product. I though about corrupted executable file, but i've download it again without effect.

Thank you for your help

« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 11:55:09 pm by F-GSPP »


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2011, 12:28:34 am »
I'm really at loss here: nobody reported this problem before and it's really strange why you see 3 setups when you launched it only once. Are you running some kind of compatibility mode, or virtualization ?

Have you tried running the setup as Administrator ?

It's surely not a problem of corrupted download, because the installer has self-integrity checks on files: if the setup was corrupted, it would report errors when copying files and will abort, not at the end.

Just as a note, the installer doesn't deal in anything related with activation, nor it checks anything about this in any way, you can do all sort of things with installing, uninstalling, it will never touch, read or modify your activation.

It's possible to activate a diagnostic on the installer, that might help understanding what's wrong on your system that prevent it to run properly:

- Open a command prompt. Press the Windows Start button, type "CMD" then Enter in the white area. A command prompt will open, and it should be pointing to your Home folder, which is something like:

C:\Users\yourname    (yourname, of course, is your login name)

- You need to go to the folder you have downloaded the kdfw_fs9_setup.exe For example, if you have downloaded in, let's say, on the Desktop, you need to do this:

CD Desktop

this should change the current working folder as follows:


So, assuming the jfk_fsx_setup.exe file in this folder, type the following:

jfk_fsx_setup.exe /LOG

then press Enter

Wait a little bit and then open the temporary folder in Explorer, just select again the Start button, type %TEMP% in the white area and press Enter. Your Temporary folder should open.

Seeif you have a file named Setup Log 2011-01-30 #001.txt in that folder and, if you have it, please Attach it here, so we can check it.


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2011, 11:44:07 am »
okay i've done all you told me and here is the content of the txt file found on temp :

file name : Setup Log 2011-01-30 #001

2011-01-30 11:23:27.574   Log opened. (Time zone: UTC+01:00)
2011-01-30 11:23:27.575   Setup version: Inno Setup version 5.3.11 (a)
2011-01-30 11:23:27.575   Original Setup EXE: C:\Users\-- F-GZNE --\Desktop\jfk_fsx_setup.exe
2011-01-30 11:23:27.575   Setup command line: /SL5="$19082E,139465593,165888,C:\Users\-- F-GZNE --\Desktop\jfk_fsx_setup.exe" /LOG
2011-01-30 11:23:27.575   Windows version: 6.1.7600  (NT platform: Yes)
2011-01-30 11:23:27.575   64-bit Windows: No
2011-01-30 11:23:27.575   Processor architecture: x86
2011-01-30 11:23:27.575   User privileges: Administrative
2011-01-30 11:23:27.582   64-bit install mode: No
2011-01-30 11:23:27.583   Created temporary directory: C:\Users\--F-GZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\is-9QACA.tmp
2011-01-30 11:23:27.689   FSX registry entry under HKLM points to Z:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe
2011-01-30 11:23:27.689   FSX has been found at Z:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe
2011-01-30 11:23:27.720   Z:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe file version is 10.0.61637.0, setup will continue

here is a print screen of the end of the install process with task manager opened :

« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 11:59:13 am by virtuali »


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2011, 12:10:29 pm »
Your log doesn't show anything strange or unusual, except maybe for your user name, which shows strange characters, don't know if this might be a problem or not, but it might.

Try to create a new user account, using a very simple name without any special characters (like "test" for example), and see if the installer works when run under that account.


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2011, 12:30:14 pm »
I've always use this user name and i never had problem with it on previous fsdt install... I've just tried with a new one by which i called "TEST", and i got the same result ...

if I abord the install the scenery at this point,JFK is set in fsx but I only  see jetway with ground textures.... like many other post are requesting support for.

thank you.


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2011, 12:52:12 pm »
I've always use this user name and i never had problem with it on previous fsdt install... I've just tried with a new one by which i called "TEST", and i got the same result ...

Then I'm sorry, there must be something else in your system which has gone wrong. From your screenshot, it looks like the installer is stuck trying to execute a command line (there's a CMD process running).

Check this folder when the installer is still stuck:


Do you have a file named TIDY.EXE ?

if I abord the install the scenery at this point,JFK is set in fsx but I only  see jetway with ground textures.... like many other post are requesting support for.

No, this problem doesn't have anything to do with any other post with missing buildings.  Please, do not confuse the cause with the effect.

Your issue in this case is, if the installer doesn't complete and get stuck (which is a problem NOBODY ever reported before, in more than 3 years we are running this site), the final step, which is the installation of the Addon Manager files, is not completed, so buildings will missing, but this doesn't have anything to do with other reports of missing buildings, which are almost universally caused by antivirus blocking the Addon Manager file, or system libraries missing or corrupted, but this is always after a completed installation: your problem is something never seen before.


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2011, 03:09:21 pm »
yes my mistake i did the screenshot before closing the procedure you told me with CMD. That's not affilied with the install process, i apologie. I'm not confusing these two different problem, just telling that as i can't install it properly, JFk is unable to run properly with same symptom as represented in other post. Is there any alternative installer than this one ? it's so frustating to be unable to play something that used to work perfectly...

thank you very much trying to help



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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2011, 04:04:03 pm »
Is there any alternative installer than this one ? it's so frustating to be unable to play something that used to work perfectly...

Sorry, the installer works fine, and nobody else reported it being stuck at the end so, since you said yourself it used to work perfectly, I don't see any other solution that trying to understand what has changed in your system that is now preventing it to complete, since the same installer used to work on your system, it's clear that something has changed between then and now.


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2011, 11:58:35 pm »
Just found that via Google, same problem here on Win7 with the LSGG installer. I use Avira Antivir and PC Tools Firewall, both turned off.

My log:

2011-06-24 23:54:26.508   Log opened. (Time zone: UTC+02:00)
2011-06-24 23:54:26.508   Setup version: Inno Setup version 5.4.2 (a)
2011-06-24 23:54:26.508   Original Setup EXE: D:\Programme\lsgg_fsx_setup.exe
2011-06-24 23:54:26.508   Setup command line: /SL5="$7091C,100823098,165888,D:\Programme\lsgg_fsx_setup.exe" /SPAWNWND=$60980 /NOTIFYWND=$50958 /LOG
2011-06-24 23:54:26.508   Windows version: 6.1.7600  (NT platform: Yes)
2011-06-24 23:54:26.508   64-bit Windows: Yes
2011-06-24 23:54:26.508   Processor architecture: x64
2011-06-24 23:54:26.508   User privileges: Administrative
2011-06-24 23:54:26.508   64-bit install mode: No
2011-06-24 23:54:26.508   Created temporary directory: C:\Users\Philipp\AppData\Local\Temp\is-7EK3J.tmp
2011-06-24 23:54:26.524   FSX registry entry under HKLM points to D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe
2011-06-24 23:54:26.524   FSX has been found at D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe
2011-06-24 23:54:26.524   D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe file version is 10.0.61637.0, setup will continue
2011-06-24 23:54:28.336   Starting the installation process.
2011-06-24 23:54:28.352   Directory for uninstall files: D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X
2011-06-24 23:54:28.352   Creating new uninstall log: D:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\unins000.dat

Thereafter every single file being installed is listed, as well as the files already exists, as the uninstaller doesn't seem to work properly either.
On my Vista system a few weeks ago it worked perfectly. Seems to be a Windows 7-issue.

A pity, as I wanted to fly from Geneva to the IVAO Real Flight Event in frankfurt. :(


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2011, 10:20:40 am »
Thereafter every single file being installed is listed, as well as the files already exists, as the uninstaller doesn't seem to work properly either.On my Vista system a few weeks ago it worked perfectly. Seems to be a Windows 7-issue.

It's not a Windows 7 issue, because we *all* use Windows 7 x64 now and, of course, most of our users use it as and, as I've said, this is only the 2nd report in years we get of this problem.

The log doesn't show anything wrong but, if the installer stops just before downloading the Addon Manager files, as described by the other user, it's possible the problem has been caused by a security program which is preventing online access to the installer. This is not necessarily an antivirus, it's more likely being a firewall.

You can try installing with the network cable disconnected, it will use the version of the files included in the installer instead of the online version. If it works, then it's SURE it was an issue caused by a security software blocking online access.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 10:50:10 am by virtuali »


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2011, 10:43:01 am »
Thanks for the fast support, will try that later.


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2011, 02:59:57 pm »
Ok, tried it, still the same issue, unfortunatley. Also tried the Standalone Addon Manager.. same.


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Re: Install Problems
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2011, 03:19:52 pm »
Then I'm sorry, but there's something wrong in your system, which is preventing the installer, which is not doing anything strange and it's based on a very common and popular installer routine (Inno setup) to run. As I've said, this is the 2nd report in years of this problem so, it's clearly a system problem which appears to be very rare.

Are you SURE the log doesn't show anything else, other than what you listed here ? You said "Thereafter every single file being installed is listed, as well as the files already exists", which seems to indicate the log HAS progressed after the part you posted here. There must be some kind of trace to at least understand WHERE the installer stopped.