Author Topic: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???  (Read 22021 times)


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MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« on: January 16, 2011, 07:32:01 pm »
Hello to all

I am tres annoyed for 3 weeks because all my bought scene(stage) FSDT became out of order. I have them all and they worked before the intallation of Dallas  :'(

When I want to use it one there is an arret of FSX   :-X

In the code error there is a name of file this below

MSVCR80.dll   ??? ???

Can use me

Thank you


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2011, 08:14:29 pm »
Surely it's not a problem of our sceneries and, it can't also caused by the Dallas installation, since the Dallas installer contains *EXACTLY* the same version of the Visual C++ 2005 runtime libraries ( MSVCR80.dll is part of them) we use for ALL our products so, it's just not possible Dallas created this problem, since the file it installs is exactly the same as for the other FSDT installers.

What might have happened, instead, is that ANOTHER product you installed, created a problem with the Visual C++ 2005 runtime libraries, which are also needed by FSX itself. A while ago, there was a known bug in the VC++ 2008 libraries, that corrupted the 2005 version (which is what FSX needs) if installed together. The bug has been probably fixed in later versions of the VC++ installers but, you might have installed a product which contained the bugged version. I know some PMDG products use VC++ 2008 libraries, but they might not be the only ones. Note that, this might happen even if installing something not related to Flight sim.

To fix your VC++ 2005 libraries, try this:

- Go in the Windows control panel, and Uninstall ALL the istances of the Visual Studio 2005 redistributable runtimes. You might have more than one version: remove them all.

- Then, after removing everything related to VS2005, reinstall again these 3 files:


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2011, 07:34:43 pm »
In spite of the re install 3 files recommended but always the same problem

Only with scènery FSDT

All the rest works well



Help me please


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2011, 09:27:27 pm »
Are you using a 64 bit OS ? If yes, remove again all 3 VC++ 2005 runtimes, and try to install the 64 bit versions.

In any case, I repeat the problem doesn't have anything to do with our sceneries. The fact you see it "Only with scenery FSDT", doesn't mean they are the *cause* of the problem. Instead, they are the *victim*. Fact you don't see it at other sceneries, it's because they don't need those libraries, which has been corrupted somehow on your system.

See this identical thread here:

The user was also convinced it was a problem with our sceneries, because it happened only there, but in the end it was fixed by reinstalling FSX and Windows, which means the problem wasn't the scenery, but a problem with those libraries, which was fixed either by the FSX reinstall or the Windows reinstall.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 09:32:51 pm by virtuali »


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2011, 10:01:13 pm »
I use a system 64 bits (Windows 7)

I think that the landscape FSDT are not responsible for the problem but that the anti system hacking is complex and that it is sensitive to the other add on

Thus there should be incompatibility with the others software and alone product FSDT stop

I cannot reinstall FSX and all add on regularly. Too much time is needed

A lot nobody stop purchases FSDT because they meet persistent problems

I am disappointed because the quality of the scenerys is remarkable but risks him not to take advantage of it completely is too important

I am thus going to have to stop the future purchases. Today I have toustes your scenerys


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2011, 10:45:35 pm »
I think that the landscape FSDT are not responsible for the problem but that the anti system hacking is complex and that it is sensitive to the other add on

Fact is, you are having a problem with the MSVCR80.DLL, which is part of VC++ 2005 runtimes, which are used by countless of software, even outside the Flight sim world so, being dependent on those libraries is not an indication of being "complex" and, of course, doesn't have *anything* to do with anti-piracy, since these are plain and simple C++ basic libraries that don't have any relationship with anti-piracy.

Thus there should be incompatibility with the others software and alone product FSDT stop

As I've said, a problem with such libraries might have been caused by any other software, not just flightsim-related. The main issue is, the Windows Side-by-Side mechanism, which is used by FSX itself AND by the VC++ libraries since VC++ 2005 and ALL subsequent versions, IS VERY FRAGILE, and easy to mess with AND COMPLEX. THIS is what is complex, NOT the Addon Manager, which is *forced* to use this system since, as with any other FSX module, needs to call into Simconnect, which is also using it.

See this post by Pete Dowson on Avsim:

He's saying exactly the same thing: when something goes wrong related to WinSxS, it's almost impossible to fix it without reinstalling the whole OS. And the VC++ runtimes are of course SxS, like almost all Windows system libraries. This was a system created to fix the infamous "Dll hell", but it created an even worse one.

Again on Avsim, a thread about MSVCR80.DLL crashing, maybe related to FSUIPC, but not entirely clear:

Another thread here, same MSVCR80.DLL error, fixed by reinstalling FSX:

And, another thread of the same error for an entirely different game:

As you can see, the MSVCR80.DLL error doesn't affect our products only, and doesn't affect FSX only either.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 11:06:17 pm by virtuali »


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2011, 01:32:31 pm »
How to destroy MSVCR80.dll under Windows 7

These files seem lock


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2011, 01:46:58 pm »
Their uninstaller should be able to do it. Or, you can try booting in safe mode, and look for it (or multiple copies of it) in the C:\Windows\WinSxS folder, but then you'll have to reinstall all the redistributables.

Note that, this is a potentially very dangerous operation, you might easily end up with an unbootable system.

Before doing that, I'd start trying to understand if there might be a conflict with another addon (two modules running two different versions of the runtimes *should* be able to run together, but this doesn't always work).

Try the following:

- Open your %APPDATA%\Microsoft\FSX folder and look for those two files:


- MOVE them (don't copy) to a safe place (like your Desktop)

- Reinstall one of our sceneries. You'll see a prompt during the installation you had a problem with the XML files and the installer will suggest to create one from scratch, say YES.

This way, you'll have only our module running, and check if your problem was caused by a conflict with another module you have installed.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 01:51:08 pm by virtuali »


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2011, 04:10:59 pm »
Always the same problem after the delete  EXE.dll and the XML.dll    :-X

Apparently a proof that the problem comes from your softs :


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2011, 04:27:13 pm »
Apparently a proof that the problem comes from your softs

It's only a proof the problem doesn't come because of a conflict with another module, not that it comes from our own, otherwise *everyone* would have it. Instead, is proof the problem is a caused by one of your VC++  installed runtimes.

We can easily verify this in a different way: I'll send you by email or PM a different version of our module, which is exactly the *same*, save it's linked against a different version of the VC++ runtimes, one that is not (hopefully) broken on your system. It that works, it would be clear the problem was with one of the runtimes.


You have a PM
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 05:19:20 pm by virtuali »


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2011, 05:33:02 pm »
I loses a long time for 20 days without resolving this problem.

I have the problem with all the FSDT only

When I copy scenery manually there is not of stop fsx. The ground FSDT scenery appears without batiments

When I make an installation classique fsx stop as batiments loads

I reinstalled all C ++ 2005; C++ 2008 - C++ 2010 up to date

I discourage to find a solution

I put more than 150€ in your scenerys and today they remain unusable for 3 weeks

Please send me email with a part of 1 scenery without lock test if anti cracking is responsable


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2011, 08:38:04 pm »
I loses a long time for 20 days without resolving this problem

I have the problem with all the FSDT only

You are losing all this time, because you are insisting the problem is in our program, when instead the problem is your Windows install, which is AFFECTING IT. It's *not* CAUSED by our module, our module is being affected by a problem in your system.

Please send me email with a part of 1 scenery without lock test if anti cracking is responsable

Please, read again my last message. I've sent you a PM with instructions to download an alternate version which use a different VC++ version, 20 minutes before you posted your last message.

As I've said already, anti-piracy doesn't have anything to do with this: our sceneries would still require our module, because it does FAR MORE than "just" anti-piracy so, we'll use it even if we were to release a free scenery, and your system problem that is affecting it, wouldn't change even if there was no anti-piracy.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 08:42:43 pm by virtuali »


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2011, 12:39:04 pm »
I do not know any more what to think on the origin of the problème

What I see it is that many of simmers have problems with airports  of FSDT

I congratulate nevertheless the ability to react of your assistance every day
« Last Edit: January 23, 2011, 04:34:29 pm by virtuali »


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2011, 04:28:18 pm »
What I see it is that many of simmers have problems with airports  of FSDT

Wrong, first because your problem is completely different, and wrong, because only a FEW (not "many") users had problems, and with solved them ALL. And of course, most of the problems, were in fact caused by something else.

I congratulate nevertheless the ability to react of your assistance every day

Exactly, your problem is also being followed (and you know it) in a private way, on Sunday...
« Last Edit: January 23, 2011, 04:30:53 pm by virtuali »


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Re: MSVCR80.dll and stop FSX ???
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2011, 08:00:59 pm »
Always same problem today