Author Topic: Disable AltitudeCull / Antipopup?  (Read 8672 times)


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Disable AltitudeCull / Antipopup?
« on: December 14, 2010, 08:31:02 pm »
Hello all,
I've read the threads regarding settings to help reduce popups while approaching HNL.  I've set my slider to 30 in an attempt to load the full airport while still as far away as possible.  However, what I'm seeing in-sim is the airport buildings and ground textures disappearing (replaced w/gray) while still well within visual range.  By this I mean that in spot view I'll be climbing out past Diamond Head and the airport will already be gone from view. 

View optimization is disabled btw. 

Similarly if I'm approaching from the west, feet wet near Ko O'lina / Makaha which is only 20miles from HNL, I'm still seeing the gray background instead of the airport. 

I've also set AltitudeCull to "0" in an effort to force load the scenery as far as possible.  Am I doing something wrong?  Thank you!

ps- latest release of HNL and addon manager have been installed  8)


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Re: Disable AltitudeCull / Antipopup?
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2010, 09:47:49 pm »
The Anti-popup and Altitude cull only affects 3d objects, not ground textures.

Regardless of how high you set the Anti-popup slider, the objectss will never be loaded before the "global" area of the airport, which is 10 nm, which is more than enough to be realistic for an approach, without causing performance and/or memory problems in nearby airports.

The grey area you see when the objects and the ground disappears, is the AFCAD background, which has an higher range and is set independently by FSX.


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Re: Disable AltitudeCull / Antipopup?
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2010, 09:19:06 am »
Hi All, First-off, I'd like to say thank you for creating a great product here. I am really enjyoing it so far.

I have fixed most of the issues with my install by reading through the forums. There are a lot of useful simple tips that users and staff have provided that I have found very helpful. However, I haven't read a clear fix to the issue being described here. I too have this problem described above seeing gray textures over the airport area where ground textures should be. I see multiple references to an AFCAD file error or something along those lines. Can someone please help me fix this problem.

I am running FSX on Windows7, DX10, 10nm mesh settings, etc etc

Thanks for your help


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Re: Disable AltitudeCull / Antipopup?
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2010, 10:15:54 am »
However, I haven't read a clear fix to the issue being described here. I too have this problem described above seeing gray textures over the airport area where ground textures should be. I see multiple references to an AFCAD file error or something along those lines.

There are probably two separate issues here:

- AFCAD errors. It's not clear from your message what is telling you have an AFCAD error. The one included with the scenery doesn't have errors but, of course, if you have duplicate AFCADs for PHNL, possibly coming from other sceneries and/or AI traffic packages, they'll create all sort of problems. So, you need to remove the duplicate ones.

- Grey underlying textures from a distance. As explained in my previous message, nothing can be done for this, there will be a point were ground textures will not show yet, but the underlying AFCAD background will. The ground textures are already set at their maximum visible range, but the AFCAD is visible from a greater range, and there's no way we can control it so, this can't be fixed.


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Re: Disable AltitudeCull / Antipopup?
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2010, 11:17:32 am »
Hi Virtuali, thanks for the quick response. I am not exactly sure that my problem is an AFCAD problem. You are probably a better judge of that. I am only assuming it's an AFCAD problem based on what I've read throughout the forums. Also, the problem I described is not only from a distance. The ground texture remains gray even when I am on the ground and close up as well. This seems to be occurring only where the dirt and grass areas should be. All taxiways are fine and I can see all of the buildings, parked vehicles, moving vehicles, and other objects just fine.

The effect is exactly like the photos posted by flo 1981 here -

This is also occuring at all three airports that I purchased - PHNL, PHTO, and PHLI. Has anyone installed these products on FSX and not having this problem? 

Thanks again for your help.


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Re: Disable AltitudeCull / Antipopup?
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2010, 11:45:36 am »
The problem referred by the screenshots you have linked, is related to DX10. None of our sceneries, except for KJFK and KDFW, are compatibile with DX10