Author Topic: esellerate error 25006 missing activation key  (Read 10304 times)


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esellerate error 25006 missing activation key
« on: December 19, 2010, 03:56:42 am »

I took advantage of your Christmas special and downloaded pretty much every scenery you have available for FSX. I downloaded and purchased the software "off-line" and not from within FSX if that makes a difference?

I've been trying to install the KLAS scenery and every time I try to activate the key in FSX I copy and paste the key I received via e-mail and I get "esellerate error 25006 missing activation key" errors then FSX crashes and if I try and re-start FSX it crashes immediately. I read another thread where you suggested going to the registry and removing the key and trying again and even that has not helped me. I tried installing some of the other packages I downloaded and they also fail with the same error.

I'm running Win7 64bit and FSX with Acceleration. I can run the scenery in trial mode no problem, it's just as soon as I enter in the serial number FSX hangs then crashes.

Thanks for the help.



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Re: esellerate error 25006 missing activation key
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2010, 09:40:09 pm »
It's possible you have an older version of the Esellerate engine which was installed by another product.

Run a search for files in the whole hard drive, and search this file:


Let it search all your system (be sure you have the "hide system files" options in Explorer view turned off) for it. You should have one and only one file, in the C:\ProgramData folder. If you have any other copy in another folder, like the FSX folder or the C:\Windows folder, remove them all.


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Re: esellerate error 25006 missing activation key
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2010, 01:07:14 pm »
I have a similar experience. I purchased both LSZH and KDFW during the sale, through the webpage, not through the sim (FS9). Both sceneries behaved exactly the same, I didn't install them on the same day. First time I let it go, but now that it has happened again, I decided to come here.

Each time it installed just fine. Then I started the sim and went to my default airport. Through the menus, I chose Register Serial. I pasted the serial, clicked on OK and up popped this error:

Odd thing is, I clicked on OK and up popped this:

Just like with LSZH, I continued the process and it activated just fine and saved a file to my drive.

I have searched for the dll and found only one, in C:\ProgramData\Esellerate, last modified March 5, 2007 (352 KB (360,580 bytes)). I'm pretty sure it is only used by FSDT/C9 and QW. I do not believe I have other products, sim or otherwise, that use it.

Anyway, thougth you'd like to know.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 10:44:56 pm by virtuali »


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Re: esellerate error 25006 missing activation key
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2010, 10:50:00 pm »
Each time it installed just fine. Then I started the sim and went to my default airport. Through the menus, I chose Register Serial. I pasted the serial, clicked on OK and up popped this error

That's not a real error. It's happens if you have a Serial Number in the registry, but is not activated yet because the computer has just been reinstalled, or if the activation has been lost due to an hardware change.

Odd thing is, I clicked on OK and up popped this:

That's all normal. Since the scenery is not activated, as soon after you are notified of this (the previous message), the next one will ask to activate it.

Just like with LSZH, I continued the process and it activated just fine and saved a file to my drive.

That's normal result for a successful reactivation. You should be worried of a problem, only if the message gets repeated on the next flight sim start, which is not clear if it happened or not from your description. If the message hasn't repeated on the next flight sim start, then it's all normal, and this is how a normal reactivation works.


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Re: esellerate error 25006 missing activation key
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2010, 01:37:28 am »
That's not a real error. It's happens if you have a Serial Number in the registry, but is not activated yet because the computer has just been reinstalled, or if the activation has been lost due to an hardware change.

The sceneries in question were ordered on the 18th of December of this year (order number available upon request), there has been no reinstall of the computer/Windows nor hardware change. I purchased through the web, I installed a scenery, fired up the sim and clicked on Register Serial, which is the proper procedure to activate a newly web-purchased scenery, right? In this customer's humble opinion, it should go directly to the second capture and not confuse me with that first one. "ERROR" with error code and a big exclamation mark looks like a real error to me, the average customer. I'm thinking, missing activation key? Didn't I just paste the activation key?!

Since the scenery is not activated, as soon after you are notified of this (the previous message), the next one will ask to activate it.

The thing is, the second message also says the product is not active yet. Why would I need to be shown that message twice? Methinks the second one will do. It is correctly installed, but not active, do you want to activate, yes. What's the point of that first cryptic ("ERROR") message? Again, this average customer is confused by it. I purchased a new scenery, I installed it for the first time, I clicked on Register Serial for the first time, I pasted the key for the first time... and I get what at least 51 people out of a 100 would describe as an error message... I mean, it does say ERROR, with number and big exclamation mark. Normal to you, just doesn't make sense to me. And, well... let's not be conservative, to at least two thirds of those hundred.

That's normal result for a successful reactivation. You should be worried of a problem, only if the message gets repeated on the next flight sim start, which is not clear if it happened or not from your description. If the message hasn't repeated on the next flight sim start, then it's all normal, and this is how a normal reactivation works.

Just to be clear, these weren't reactivations, but first time activations.

Anyway, do with this info as you wish. This is no discussion, I'm just letting you know how I perceived it all and experienced certain customer dissatisfaction.


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Re: esellerate error 25006 missing activation key
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2010, 04:24:12 am »
I purchased through the web, I installed a scenery, fired up the sim and clicked on Register Serial, which is the proper procedure to activate a newly web-purchased scenery, right?

That message comes out even in case of the first activation, I forgot this in my previous post.

In this customer's humble opinion, it should go directly to the second capture and not confuse me with that first one. "ERROR" with error code and a big exclamation mark looks like a real error to me, the average customer.

I agree the program is more verbose than necessary in this specific case, but not hiding any diagnostic messages, might be useful for us to understand what's wrong in case of problems.

I'm thinking, missing activation key? Didn't I just paste the activation key?!

Well, in fact you haven't, since you have pasted your Serial Number, not the activation key.

The activation key is what you will *receive* from the server when you send your Serial Number to be activated, and that's what's the error is referring to when it says it's missing.

And it's just what's really happening: you just pasted your Serial Number, but you haven't opted to activate it yet (this will be the next question) so the message says there's no activation key, then it asks if you want to activate it, and then (if the server says it's ok) it will say the product has been activated.

The thing is, the second message also says the product is not active yet. Why would I need to be shown that message twice?

On the first message, you don't have any choice to make, you can only press OK and go ahead so, even if the message meaning wasn't entirely clear, it's not that you could do any mistakes as a result of being confused by it, your only choice is to acknowledge the message and go ahead.

The 2nd message is giving you a choice, and is there because if you confirm, you are likely going to consume an activation, that why it's giving a choice in case you want to change your mind, and wait a better time to activate, or decide to activate on a different pc, etc.

When the activation is successful, the successful activation message that comes at the end, should probably clear up any doubts the scenery has been activated correctly.

Methinks the second one will do. It is correctly installed, but not active, do you want to activate, yes. What's the point of that first cryptic ("ERROR") message?

As I've said, not hiding diagnostics in any steps, will help us in some cases troubleshooting issues, without having to  instruct the user to create a log file, send it, having issues with the logfile location, file permissions to create it, eventual problems/slowdowns when writing to a file, etc.

Normal to you, just doesn't make sense to me. And, well... let's not be conservative, to at least two thirds of those hundred.

Since only 3 people including you have reported it until now (nobody asked about it via email support either), apparently this is not seen as a problem by as many users: I guess that most will just be satisfied with the successful activation message that usually follows and the more obvious fact the scenery *acts* as  Active, so they aren't bothered by the cryptic message.

Anyway, do with this info as you wish. This is no discussion, I'm just letting you know how I perceived it all and experienced certain customer dissatisfaction.

I've explained it with this post, in order to point out there was some reasoning behind showing that message, and the program always behaved correctly as it was supposed to do. I agree it might have been confusing, and it's best not to present something that looks like an error before any real problem happens.

So, even if only 3 people reported the message as being confusing, we have already updated the Addon Manager, and that message will not be displayed anymore before an activation, it will directly jump to the 2nd message.

The updated version is online already and, because its fetched automatically from the internet on each new install, everybody will get it the first time any scenery will be installed.


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Re: esellerate error 25006 missing activation key
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2010, 02:52:22 pm »
Couldn't diagnostic messages be logged somewhere or is that already the case?

I think a lot of the confusion stems from the fact that over the years many developers (not just FS addon devs) have used various terms to describe more or less the same thing. Registration code, registration key, registration serial, serial number, activation code, unlock code, etc... So when a user pastes "a" string and then gets a message that "a" string is missing, I think it's normal that he associates the two.

Anyway, thank you for changing it, I'm sure more than three people will appreciate an even clearer activation process.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2010, 02:54:20 pm by Mike... »


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Re: esellerate error 25006 missing activation key
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2010, 04:55:50 pm »
Couldn't diagnostic messages be logged somewhere or is that already the case?

Only in a special logging version we send (it happened very rarely) to users with unusual problems, that helps us while troubleshooting, so we don't have any performance hit or any other possible problems related to the fact we would need to keep a file open and constantly write to it while FSX is running, which would happen if we logged everything automatically, and even if the log would only be a configurable option, we would need the logging code to be there anyway. Instead, with two separate versions, we keep the regular version as lean as possible, because all the logging code is just not there.

I think a lot of the confusion stems from the fact that over the years many developers (not just FS addon devs) have used various terms to describe more or less the same thing. Registration code, registration key, registration serial, serial number, activation code, unlock code, etc...

We tried to be consistent with names the Esellerate system use so, in our case we use the term "Serial Number" to indicate what you are requested to type, because this is how it's called on the purchase receipt.

Activation key is not something an user has to deal with but in SOME cases, he might, because we also have an offline activation option for those without an internet connection.

In this case, first the Serial Number is entered, then an "Install ID" is given, and another PC with Web access is used to get an "Activation Key" starting from that "Install ID", so you can go back to the non-connected PC and manually type the Activation Key.

That's why we have two different terms, and we stick to that naming convention for consistency, at least between the Addon Manager and the sales system.

So when a user pastes "a" string and then gets a message that "a" string is missing, I think it's normal that he associates the two.

Well, in this case you were requested to paste an "a" string ( the dialog says "Insert your Serial Number, as reported on your email receipt" ), and you got a message about string "b" missing ( "missing Activation Key" ) so no, it didn't really say the same thing you just pasted was missing but yes, I agree that since sometimes all these terms are used liberally in other products, it's easy to associate them, which is why it was probably a good idea to get rid of that message.