Author Topic: Zurich is outdated - Update?  (Read 5567 times)


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Zurich is outdated - Update?
« on: December 06, 2010, 02:02:55 pm »
Hi everyone

Unfortunately, the scenery is outdated.

The Terminal 2 (B) is under construction now and look very different. Plus, some problems like too small taxiways (near Rwy 16) aren't fixed yet.

It would be great to have a update, because the scenery it self is still great.

Thanks for an anwnser from fsdt side.




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Re: Zurich is outdated - Update?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 06:57:24 pm »
The Terminal 2 (B) is under construction now and look very different

Then it it doesn't make any sense to update something that is still under construction. We'll discuss about this, when the terminal is completed.

Plus, some problems like too small taxiways (near Rwy 16) aren't fixed yet.

This has been answered already here:

The taxiways in the scenery have the exact size as in real life, which is 18 m, what could be changed is just a cosmetic issue of adding more visible shoulders outside the concrete area and move the 3d lights over the shoulders.

However, coupled with the new terminal B, this would be a fairly big update, that is really outside the scope of a patch, but sounds more like a new version of the scenery, which we haven't planned yet.