Mesh complexity is at 100% Mesh resolution is at 76M. Advanced animations are checked. Rebooted computer. How would I know if there are Mutiple AFCAD files causing the problem?
I think you misunderstood the mesh settings. You have complexity correct at 100% but Mesh Resolution needs to be set at 10M or better.
Mesh Complexity 100
Mesh Resolution 10m <----- Slider father to the right, not left. I think yours being at 76M is all the way to the left.
If you want to check for multiple AFCADs, go to Scruffyduck and download the AFCAD scanner. Here's the link (copy and paste into your browser) you run the scan if will show duplicate AFCADs. I caution to be careful of what you delete if your not sure what you are doing, since some sceneries like FlyTampa have muliple AFCADS that are really dummy AFCADS for the boat traffic. Just look for stuff containing AFCADS for the DFW area to keep it simple.
I'm thinking you could have multiple AFCADS if you installed Dennis' ADE file that updated the parking, then ran the update. If this is the case you will have the FSDT AFCAD called AP_DFW.bgl and possibly another file called KDFW_ADEX_DDM.bgl. When I updated from the last version to the newest I had forgot to remove the extra ADE file I have been using and had two also.
In the Fdreamteam/KDFW/scenery folder, you should only have 8 files:
AP_KDFW.bgl <-------or another AFCAD if you are using Dennis' update one KDFW_ADEX_DDM.bgl