Author Topic: ILS 13L  (Read 4481 times)


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« on: September 15, 2010, 02:40:40 am »
Last night I did a flight from KBWI to KJFK.   I use REX and weather was such that FSX ATC assigned me 13R ILS approach.
1.  There is no 13R ILS at KJFK, and it vectored me east to capture the localizer in front of the 4's.

Can anyone provide info?  I have the \FSDreamTeam\JFK\scenery\Approach_ILS13\Appr_KJFK.BGL installed.


Bill Morton
ASUS CG5275 Intel Core i5 650@ 3.20Ghz, 8gb ddr3, Nvidia 9500 GT 1gb ddr2, FSX w/Acceleration, Windows 7 x64, Navigraph lastest cycle, FS Commander, REX 2 Overdrive
i5 2500K@ 3.30Ghz, 8gb ddr3, GeForce GTX 760 2gb, FSX w/Acceleration, Windows 7 x64