Author Topic: no buildings: fix the problem procedure  (Read 4090 times)


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no buildings: fix the problem procedure
« on: August 22, 2010, 09:10:22 am »

if you have no buildings but you are seeing jetways here is what you might want to check out.
In my case is was for KJFK, but apperently other airports are affected also sometimes. Following procedure will save you a day of searching as it did for me. I run FSX with all kinds of addons on Win7 64bit with a gtx275 card.

Uninstall/Reinstall FS dreamteam airport (KJFK) and reboot between steps if necessary:

1)  If you have the addon manager and coatl options in the addon menu in FSX you installed correctly, if not you have to uninstall and install with UAC, firewall and viruscanners turned off. By now you have the addon manager and coatl options in your addon menu in FSX, if not you are doing it wrong.

2) Look in your FSX.exe properties and check if you changed the compatibility modus, it should be unchecked, so no entry in the selectionbox for XP or vista service pack compatibilities. This solves it for some people.

3) Go to your X:\user\appdata\roaming\miicrosoft\fsx folder and open the FSX.cfg file. Use CTL H to look for [Trusted] or scroll untill you see it. Under trusted are all entries for addon executables. Take a look at the end of the FS dreamteam and BGLman longstrings (the abacadebr12adjl3f45j6afg7l8fjlfglfgklfkjg=1) and check if it says =1 at the end. If this is so it is correct. If you have =-1, change it to =1 and save it. Chack in FSX if your buidings show up, if not:

4) Go to X:\user\appdata\roaming\miicrosoft\fsx folder and copy the FSX.cfg file, rename the copy as something you'll recognize later on.

- Now delete the FSX.cfg file. Not the copy!
- Start FSX, it will rebuild a new FSX.cfg file. Check your airport, maybe it is working already.

In my case all kinds of strange inverted graphics were happining, with the aircraft being inside out.

- CLose FSX and open the FSX.cfg and the FSX.cfg copy next to each other. Go to the [trusted] section in the FSX.cfg and delete all entries BUT LEAVE the FS dreamteam and coatl longstring entries intact.

- now go to the FSX.cfg copy and copy all the entries in the trusted section BUT NOT the FS dream team entries.

- paste the entries in the FSX.CFG file underneath the FS dreamteam and BGLman entries.

-Open FSX and test if this worked. It did solve the problem for me.

- CLose FSX and now copy and paste/overwrite your personal tweaks and FSX settings from the FSX.cfg copy to the  FSX.CFG file. This will make FSX look like you had it before Jetway Int. and with the FS dreamteam Int Airport working even better!

If this does not work, contact support, as i would not know what to do.

kind regards,



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Re: no buildings: fix the problem procedure
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2013, 10:33:14 pm »
thats a joke isnt it?

To buy a add on over 20.00$ and then hacking around like good old bill gates in his starting days, to set up the program to run?
sorry, but isnt there really a way to find an installation routine, for an addon which works properly? i have many addons, but no one makes that difficulties like KJFK and KORD, which are the
only one i have fron FSDT.

this might be a good addon, but after all this problems i have, and read all other peoples problems, i really cant understand this bussiness behaviour.

i have installed KORD vers. 1.3.1. and KJFK 1.2.1 with addonmanagerx vers  and when starting fsx i got msg that KJFK & KORD are outdated and need updated. But how?
Do i have do download (buy) a new version? when saying yes, i am prompted to FSDT HP and have to download  the addonmanager....i did 3 tmes!
i register both addons (in FSX within windowed mode)!
and yes....i stopped all anti virus (only for her majesty "addonmanagerx").

slowly i feel frustration raise up....which, from my point of view, is a bit logically.


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Re: no buildings: fix the problem procedure
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2013, 10:40:01 pm »
forgot the last story...started on KJFK...okay witjout buildings...i was flying to KORD, in hope to see something there.
but then in final on rwy 32R i got a msg poped up, that couatl.exe stopped working...nice.
dont know, if this would cause to hide the buildings there, since i didnt have seen any on departure (KJFK) too.


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Re: no buildings: fix the problem procedure
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2013, 10:52:40 pm »
To buy a add on over 20.00$ and then hacking around like good old bill gates in his starting days, to set up the program to run?

You obviously don't "hack" anything. The message you commented on, was posted by another user. It's not "solution" and all that manual hacking is entirely unnecessary, because the SAME procedure is done automatically by our Uninstaller, if you reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager ?"

sorry, but isnt there really a way to find an installation routine, for an addon which works properly?

They all work, provided you follow simple instructions written on screen.

i have installed KORD vers. 1.3.1. and KJFK 1.2.1 with addonmanagerx vers  and when starting fsx i got msg that KJFK & KORD are outdated and need updated. But how?

The message doesn't say that. The message says:

"You have an outdated version of JFK, Please download the latest version at"

Do i have do download (buy) a new version?

It should be very well known that all our downloads are always freely available, and there's only ONE installer (so you don't have to figure it out what to download), and since there's no difference between Trial installer and Full installer (again, the installer is only one), there's shouldn't be any doubt what you have to download and, since it has been clearly explained all over the website, that if you install the Trial version it can be activated with your Serial Number, and that your activation is not lost, unless you change hardware, that remains with the simplest procedure of all:

- Download the latest installer, which is always freely available, and that's your "complex" upgrade procedure.

You got it entirely backwards: since OTHER developers don't have freely available downloads and don't have an user-friendly activation method that *WORKS* and allows them to post full installers in public, they have to force to you cumbersome private downloads, patches, registrations to access private files, the responsibility to safekeep the installer yourself, etc.

With out system, there's nothing of this. You can lose your installer, download it for free again. You don't have to install a base program then get mad with patches, you don't have to figure it out what's the most updated version, because the installer we have freely available online without any registration, it's ALWAYS kept updated.

It's so much better, than you can't believe it is, because you accustomed to the cumbersome method of patches and private downloads, that you believed is "complex", when it obviously isn't

when saying yes, i am prompted to FSDT HP

Yes, you are prompted to go to our Home page.

and have to download  the addonmanager....i did 3 tmes!

No, you aren't NOT prompted to download the Addon Manager. As the previous message clearly said, you were supposed to download your OUTDATED SCENERY. If the message said that JFK was outdated, why you downloaded the Addon Manager ?

and yes....i stopped all anti virus (only for her majesty "addonmanagerx").

That you might have to stop the antivirus (if your antivirus has this problem) to install a flight sim addon, is very well known fact, just look at the Flight1 website, and see what they have to say about turning off the antivirus. And, not all antivirus are defective and mistakenly detect our products as threats. Most don't. It's only "his majesty" Norton that has this bug and Symantec keep saying they fixed it, but they don't.

The free and always updated antivirus Security Essentials from Microsoft, for example (just to give an example of a free alternative to Norton), for example, doesn't mistakenly detect our products as threats, doesn't require to turn off anything or configure anything. It just works.

So, you didn't had any problem to begin with.

Your problem was simply that you haven't read the message clearly, that prompted to update a scenery, and you keep updating the Addon Manager, which wasn't needed. And, you couldn't believe that all our downloads are always updated and freely available, so you didn't think of just trying the obvious solution: download the installer on the site that, as explained many times, acts as a Trial if you haven't registered it, or as a Full product if there's an already an activation in your system.

Can't be simpler than that. No patches, no registrations to download your files, there's only one installer, and it's always the most current version available.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 10:56:04 pm by virtuali »


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Re: no buildings: fix the problem procedure
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2013, 11:34:31 pm »
okay....after an evening of de-installing, installing, searching the web for solutions,...thrying them out, step by step...i think its normal, that some of us might lose their mind.

after your recommendation, i entered the FSDT website and went to the products site, which onlx contains fsx,fs9 downloads. you might would understand, that i was searching for something saying like *product update" or so. that was the reason why i missed to simply hit the fsx download button for the KORD addon.
okay, i did it now, and after i deinstalled my installed version, i run the downloaded file. now it looks much better. obviously, the addonmanager also came with it, and i have buildings in my sceneries.

just missing the loading bridges, but i think that might be an issue in the AES, since i made some installation over and over now, and AES might be a bit confused now.

again, i might be a bit overmotivated in my last post, but i really thought, FSDT had an update section or something, so i searched for it, and obviously couldnt find it.

okay, now it looks better, and i will go on.
