Author Topic: bglmanx.dll error  (Read 17229 times)


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bglmanx.dll error
« on: August 14, 2010, 10:40:18 pm »
I bought FSDT and it was running great on my FSX SP2 installation.  I decided to reinstall FSX to a new harddrive deleting every addon and fsx obviously and everything has been smooth.  I decided to install FSDT JFK since I was going to be flying there soon and got the infamous bglmanx.dll error on startup.  I am running FSX Acceleration.  I tried every fix listed on here, reinstalled probably 8 times, made sure the bglman files were deleted, uninstalled AVG antivirus, I also made sure my scenery.cfg file was clean and it was.  Any help would be greatly appreciated, this was a great scenery when I had it running on my old install.

Windows 7 64 Bit
Core 2 Duo E7200
ATI HD4850
4GB of DDR2 800mhz (if that info helps)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2010, 10:46:27 pm by k4show »


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2010, 11:17:56 am »
When you reinstalled JFK ? Because we had some updates yesterday.

You said you reinstalled 8 times, but this is not what is suggested in all other fixes.

What you might need to do, instead, is to keep trying, even several times, to ALLOW the module to run, even if FSX suggest against it, because the error usually goes away by itself. And, reboot Windows if it doesn't work after 2-3 tries. And, allow 20-30 seconds between each try, to be sure FSX is closed properly.

The things you can try are:

- Turn Off UAC, if it's turned ON, or turn it ON, if it's turned OFF.

- Be sure FSX is not running in XP Compatibility mode

Try also this:

- Open the FSX.CFG file (located at %APPDATA%\Microsoft\FSX) with Notepad, look for ALL lines that contains bglmanx.dll under the [Trusted] section, and remove all the lines, the whole line. Then save the file and try again.

- If it still doesn't work, try to open the FSX.CFG again, you should see a single line referencing to bglmanx.dll, with a long string of characters, with a =-1 or a =0 at the end (most likely). Try to change that number to =1, save the file and try again.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2010, 11:21:37 am by virtuali »


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2010, 03:23:01 pm »
I reinstalled it yesterday at 3PM EST.  I will try again today though and follow your instructions and report back.


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2010, 08:08:43 pm »
Hello FSDT. Lets go straight away.This is of course bglmanx.dll fail. I know it was 1000000000000 times at this forum but...nothing is working for me at all. So lets discribe my issue.

I got 2 systems-PC and Laptop. Both are with same system (windows 7 ultimate 64bit) and both with FSX +Acc
PC FSX is with over 80+addons (mostly scenery). Laptop is working on clean FSXACC. So today I decide to install more addons for PC. I start with Zurich (bought Zurich and Geneva) and when i was trying to run FSX for activation process I see error. So i made quick look on google and I found some solutions at forum. I reinstall scenery,addon stand alone,used Geneva as prime setup,reinstall/install  MS Vis C++ 2005,MS Vis C++ 2005 64bit,MS Vis C++ 2005 SP1,MS Vis C++ 2008 itd.... NO EFFECT.All the time i see

I was trying to use Zurich setup but same fail. I am after 1000000 of uninstalings/installs/deleting fsx.cfg and other attemps.Right now I am stock because I cant install more addons because cant active this scenery as well Geneva.
The best thing is it is working on Laptop without any fail. Laptop has MS Vic C++2005 and 2008.I was trying to copy files but no luck.Belowe u can find what addons are installed on PC where BGLMANX is failing. Please dont tell me I need to reinstall FSX because i lost all addons and this is not a way.What about if somebody has over 200gb of addons then he decide to buy some of ur products and as far what he can see is this fail:(

« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 10:11:45 pm by virtuali »


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2010, 10:18:42 pm »
The best thing is it is working on Laptop without any fail.

That's the only thing that really matters, which clearly proves that the bglmanx.dll is NOT the culprit but, instead, is the victim of something wrong on the other computer, since it obviously working on your laptop.

No, you just can't fix anything by manually copying files. The most likely issue is that, something has created a problem with the Visual C++ runtimes, and this just can't be fixed by copying files.

Try to do this first. Do exactly as written here, don't skip ANY steps:

- DOWNLOAD (I repeat DOWNLOAD again) the Stand-Alone Addon Manager for FSX.

- Install it. Don't launch FSX yet.

- Reboot Windows. Don't launch FSX yet.

- Go to the Control Panel, Uninstall the Stand-Alone Addon Manager. Don't launch FSX yet.

- Reboot Windows. Don't launch FSX yet.

- Reinstall the Stand-Alone Addon Manager. Don't launch FSX yet.

- Reboot Windows

- Try launching FSX. It should ask you to authorize the Addon Manager and the Couatl script engine. Allow them both.

- If they crash the first time, keep allowing it to run. Try a couple of times, then reboot Windows and try again.


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2010, 10:26:25 pm »
What I should do If I have already installled Addon Menager and Zurich.Uninstall?
Should I clear FSX.cfg?


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2010, 10:41:21 pm »
What I should do If I have already installled Addon Menager and Zurich.Uninstall? Should I clear FSX.cfg?

Only do exactly as told.

The current Addon Manager uninstaller will take care of the FSX.CFG cleaning automatically. If you had to do extra clean up, I would have told you.


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2010, 11:03:48 pm »
OK so I follow all steps as you said.
Same issue.
Couple of restarts and nothing.
Strange think is about FSX.Its not asking me about authorization the Addon Manager and the Couatl script engine.Its just straight away failing bglmenX.dll
If i press YES game its freezee even I make few restarts.


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2010, 11:33:45 pm »
Strange think is about FSX.Its not asking me about authorization the Addon Manager and the Couatl script engine.Its just straight away failing bglmenX.dll

Have you replied "YES" to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager?" and "Do you want to remove the Couatl Scripting engine ?". Because the actual clean up of the FSX.CFG is only made if you reply YES to both questions.

Try doing it again.


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2010, 11:36:26 pm »
YES.I know about it.I press all YES.All the time YES YES YES YES. :'(
After uninstall i checked fsx.cfg and there was no THRUST section at all.I follow your steps then run fsx asking about authoryzation.
Again quick look to fsx.cfg and entry was there without my permission.


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2010, 11:49:07 pm »
Again quick look to fsx.cfg and entry was there without my permission.

Try to recall if you ever decided to permanently authorize "Virtuali s.a.s." as a trusted publisher. Because, if you have, then it's normal you don't get the request and the module appears automatically in the Trusted section.

But if you haven't, then something is very wrong with your Windows Trusted system, which could explain why the program isn't working in the first place.

To verify this, you can go to the Control Panel, under "Internet Options", look for the "Content" tab, there should be an "Authors" button, that will list the software authors that you trusted. If you see "Virtuali s.a.s", try to remove it, then repeat the procedure.


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2010, 12:15:31 am »
OK so we have a small progress.
First i uninstall all including MS VISUAL Studio.
Now i install exactly same MS VISUAL Studio as on laptop.
I remove trusted from Internet options(was on PC for Virtual;is not on laptop).
Installing Addon Menager
Run Game and FSX ask me about authorization once then bglmanx.dll fail and another authorizaion.
Now I am going to follow you instruction again.
BTW:Should I use 64bit MSV C++ if using 64bit system?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 12:20:53 am by mirage9 »


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2010, 12:25:47 am »
BTW:Should I use 64bit MSV C++ if using 64bit system?

Updating the 64 bit version of the runtimes will not do any harm, and will be a good thing to do anyway.

However, they are only relevant to 64 bit apps. FSX and all its addons are 32 bit apps so, they are affected (and they require) the 32 bit version of the libraries, even when running under a 64 bit OS.


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2010, 12:36:52 am »
OK so after another couple of restarts FSX still failing for BGLMANX.dll
So i thniks the best solution will be reinstall a whole FSX  :'(  :-\ and install first Zurich and Geneva.
I thniks some of addon is not working with this and this is real issue.
I dont care if I install Zurich and Geneva-after activation this stupid dll could be broken-Ill be not crying.
Thanks for help.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 12:40:16 am by mirage9 »


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Re: bglmanx.dll error
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2010, 12:52:35 am »
So i thniks the best solution will be reinstall a whole FSX

Try an simpler route first:

Uninstall just SP2 (or Acceleration), then reinstall it. This shouldn't impact any of your installed addons, especially if you don't try to run FSX in the middle of the process.

This might fix something in your system .dll. I'm quite sure this problem has something to do with the Windows Side-by-side mechanism of runtime libraries that has gone wrong.