How is .40 unrealistic..wrong perception of height and speed..what!?
That 0.40 is highly unrealistic, and that altering the perspective WILL change your perception of speed and height is a fact.
A very well known trick, used in racing games, is to use an unrealistic wide angle view, so the user has the illusion of going faster, see this on Wikipedia: a visual effect, some first person video games (especially racing games), widen the angle of view beyond 90° to exaggerate the distance the player is travelling, thus exaggerating the player's perceived speed and giving a tunnel effect (like pincushion distortion). Narrowing the view angle gives a zoom in effect.
An article more related to Flightsim, here:'s very long but, if you jump to the conclusions:
Flying with a false ZOOM to misplace the scenery at false LAT/LON is the silliest mistake any flight simulation user can make.
If not practice manipulating the three allowable scenery projection variables, (VIEW_FORWARD_DIR + SIZE_Y + eyepoint), but never ZOOM to deliver real parallax
That's exactly what cmpbllsjc suggested and I also agree: you should use the available commands (key, joystick hat, TrackIR, whatever) to move your eypoint around the VC or point to look in a different direction, but never use zoom to see more instruments, because that will false the whole world view.
then refine that skill to allow the required vertical FoV in VC mode without invoking false parallax and false scenery placement in either viewing mode. Remember false parallax is the same thing as displaying false flight path vectors and a simulation control interface which displays false flight path vectors is worse than useless however pretty it may be.
Why is it that every time someone posts a problem its always their fault and not yours. I am getting fed up with your support (if you can even call it support). I am having the same problem as PilotJsmith and I NEVER fly at .80 zoom.
This is entirely uncalled for and, if you care to read my reply and my initial post better, I NEVER said that you HAVE to fly to 0.80 zoom level.
First, because most of the lines DO NOT disappear at 0.79 or less, they disappear way later than that.
We just used 0.80 as REFERENCE, because it's considered to be the zoom level that gives the most realistic view so, we only tried to be sure that nothing would disappear a 0.80, but that doesn't mean that everything disappears at less than .79!!
There are areas were you can un-zoom up to 0.30, other areas you can't go less than 0.45. If you have specific places were details disappears at less than 0.70, then we might just correct that areas only.
This "new technology" is not helping you guys.....go back to doing what you did on the past sceneries, they actually worked.
This issue doesn't have anything to do with the new technology, it's plain old LOD in effect, that we used in all sceneries, it's just a matter of how it's TUNED.