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FS9 version 1.0.3 Update

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--- Quote from: virtuali on August 28, 2010, 11:45:35 am ---
--- Quote from: alptosun on August 28, 2010, 10:31:41 am ---But is it possible to have the update without the reworked textures because I was happy with previous ones, now the quality is a little bit dropped
--- End quote ---

Nothing has changed in the textures quality, we just removed unused alpha channels so, you shouldn't see any difference, since that channel was blank anyway.

--- End quote ---

Then something's wrong with my installation, i will uninstall and try it again


I just wanted to drop in here and mention this - I just now downloaded and purchased this scenery version 1.0.3.  Everything performs great, just it seems I'm getting texture loading issues.  It looks like the scenery color is darker closer to the aircraft as you fly along, and in the distance, it fades to a lighter color.  It loads in square tiles as you pass over the scenery.  

Does this have something to do with the recent update?  

Edit -- I was browsing around the screenshot forum and came upon this thread, where you can see exactly what I'm talking about:


Also, during takeoff and landing, where those textures are changing, I'm seeing a brief blur off on the horizon.


--- Quote from: Nightflier101BL on August 29, 2010, 03:36:57 pm ---It looks like the scenery color is darker closer to the aircraft as you fly along, and in the distance, it fades to a lighter color
--- End quote ---

That's just normal, the ground is made with two layers, and the overall color is a mixture of the base layer and the detail layer. Since the detail layer is not loaded when not needed for obvious performance reasons (you won't be able to see the details after a certain distance), it's normal the overall color would change.

--- Quote ---It loads in square tiles as you pass over the scenery.
--- End quote ---

That's normal as well, since the scenery is made in tiles, like any other scenery out there that uses an higher resolution than FS9 would otherwise allow with photoreal scenery.

I just tried to download the KDFW 1.0.3 update and recieved a message that the website "declined to show this page". I am logged in to the forum as a tried the click the link. I purchased KDFW on August 7th so I suspect I need the update. Thanks.


Both FS9 links (full and update) works fine, I've just tested both.

- Clear your browser cache

- Remove all cookies from mediafire.com

- Restart the browser and try again


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