Native FSX AI models are AI models exported with the FSX SDK for Gmax/3ds. You have to enquiry with AI model developers to know which of their models are native FSX.
Fixing the problem by turning airplane shadows off depends probably on the AI models used, it might not always work.
There's no other solution at the moment, except changing the scenery to go back to a default runway something that, in our view, it's not acceptable and it's a much worse solution than using native FSX AI models.
We already explained our view about this issue:
- If the AI developer would recompile his models with the FSX exporters, the end result will be more compatible, better looking and better performing models, without having to giving away nothing.
- If the scenery developer would have to fix the scenery, instead, the end result would be a scenery with default runways. Something that at Zurich in particular (but even at other places, like Heathrow, just think about the non-standard UK type rwy markings, impossible to do without custom runways ), it's not really an option.
And yes, everybody has the same problem, under SP2, when using FS9 AI models + runways with custom textures. It's a known issue, that affects all airports using runways with custom textures with FS9 AI models.