Author Topic: AFCAD Update has a few issues...  (Read 13434 times)


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AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« on: August 07, 2010, 04:56:18 pm »
The new AFCAD is decent for the most part but what I'm finding a huge problem with is the American Eagle designation in the AFCAD file as 'AALX'.  This is wrong as it should say 'EGF'.  American Eagle aircraft are all over the place at this airport because of this.  Second there's not nearly enough cargo spots on the UPS cargo ramp.  We need at least 6-7 more spots.  The Fedex ramp needs more spots 'in front of it's hanger'.  The current setup places too few spots in front of FDX's actual hanger.  There's FDX spots in front of the hanger next to the FedEx hanger which is wrong, those should be general cargo parking spots.  Fedex should have more spots in front of the Fedex hanger alone and not the hanger next to it (check Google Earth for reference).  There's too few GA parking spots as well causing GA aircraft to park at the terminals.

Outside of these few things the Afcad is coming along...  
« Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 04:59:08 pm by Dillon »


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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2010, 05:31:20 pm »
Just wait for a user created Afcad, as with all sceneries, the Afcad is only so-so.

I only looked at it briefly, but I think there were some odd radius choices for the FDX spots.

As for AALX, that's a question of preference, you can use the regional carriers' own ICAO code, but the X variant is widely used as well. Both systems have pros and cons.

There's an improved FSX Afcad here, with valuable parking code info, but it contains errors still, several unconnected parking spots for example. Fault Finder anyone... If and when I get the scenery, I'll do my own Afcad.


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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2010, 06:33:38 pm »
Mike is fully correct. It's technically impossible to create universal AFCAD that everybody will be happy with and I cannot remember a single occassion when I was personaly satisfied with the AFCAD that comes with the scenery.
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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2010, 10:44:49 pm »
Just wait for a user created Afcad, as with all sceneries, the Afcad is only so-so.

I only looked at it briefly, but I think there were some odd radius choices for the FDX spots.

As for AALX, that's a question of preference, you can use the regional carriers' own ICAO code, but the X variant is widely used as well. Both systems have pros and cons.

There's an improved FSX Afcad here, with valuable parking code info, but it contains errors still, several unconnected parking spots for example. Fault Finder anyone... If and when I get the scenery, I'll do my own Afcad.

I use World of AI and Ultimate Traffic for my traffic within FS9.  AALX is not a designation for any traffic I'm aware of.  Unlike most regionals that use designations like NWAX or USAX there's no such thing for American Airlines.  American Eagle uses the designation EGF.  Concerning the parking spots there's simply not enough to accommodate all the GA and Cargo traffic coming into the airport.  This is not a case of simple user preference.


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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2010, 11:12:50 pm »
I have a question.

If I wanted to edited the afcad file for DFW to make all my Eastern Airlines (EAL) traffic to park at gates in Terminal C and wanted all the gates
at Terminal D (ACA, BAW, KLM, KAL, DLH, MXA, TAI), I know I can use the ADE program to edit the gates, but how do you get it to save it into the bgl file
that you opened or save it in a manner that you can copy, paste and overwrite the existing afcad?

Perry Fincher
Trans World Virtual Airlines


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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2010, 11:23:11 pm »
  I think the main reason for the "AALX" designation is to also include any other "regional" carriers operating for American. While American Eagle is by far the largest feeder for American, I believe there are other carriers operating as "American Connection".



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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2010, 11:31:44 pm »
Concerning the parking spots there's simply not enough to accommodate all the GA and Cargo traffic coming into the airport. This is not a case of simple user preference.

Well, no, but there's no identical AI setup, so whatever you do, it's never gonna be enough. You feel there aren't enough spots, add them!

I use World of AI and Ultimate Traffic for my traffic within FS9. AALX is not a designation for any traffic I'm aware of. Unlike most regionals that use designations like NWAX or USAX there's no such thing for American Airlines. American Eagle uses the designation EGF.

It's AWEX now by the way. And why wouldn't there be such a thing for American's regional affiliates? I'm using it, so it's there. We're not talking about real world code use here, but code use in the sim. AALX has been in use for years and years. You may not have come across it, but trust me, it's nothing new.

As I said, there are pros and cons to both approaches. You can find some interesting albeit somewhat mind-boggling info here.

Do whatever you want, but there's no wrong or right in this case.



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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2010, 11:36:54 pm »
Here's a version that addresses some of the issues I mentioned above.


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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2010, 12:29:28 am »
I'd also like to add that the AFCAD is missing gates A36-39, as well as the ATR gates at the end of the B terminal.



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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2010, 07:11:04 am »
I looked at the AFCAD and don't believe I saw any parking at all for the Eagle terminal?


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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2010, 03:22:10 am »
I looked at the AFCAD and don't believe I saw any parking at all for the Eagle terminal?

The old Eagle terminal is closed.  Terminal B is the new location for American Eagle (some flights use the new D terminal).
« Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 03:23:57 am by Dillon »


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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2010, 05:24:45 pm »
Wonderful scenery which is working surprisingly smoothly and thank you for supporting FS9. 
Looking closely a the AFCAD, there is no space for GA.  What kind of GA do you have in KDFW and where do they usually park ?

Tom C

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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2010, 06:04:54 pm »
Wonderful scenery which is working surprisingly smoothly and thank you for supporting FS9. 
Looking closely a the AFCAD, there is no space for GA.  What kind of GA do you have in KDFW and where do they usually park ?
Wouldn't they be mostly at Love Field closer to the city?

Tom C.


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Re: AFCAD Update has a few issues...
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2010, 05:03:47 pm »
Look at Google Earth and you'll see where they park.  The under developed area just south of Terminal D is where they park.  I made some more adjustments to my AFCAD (modified from my posted version above) to allow my GA to have more parking spots.  I still need to do more work to make the area more realistic in how their really staged.  I use GA Traffic which is a freeware utility.  In the real world GA does fly into KDFW as Google Earth clearly shows.