Author Topic: AI Aircraft "floating" a little over taxiways/runways  (Read 5360 times)


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AI Aircraft "floating" a little over taxiways/runways
« on: August 07, 2010, 04:09:07 am »
Hey Virtuali et al.

First off, this scenery is fantastic! I've been waiting such a long time for it, and it thoroughly exceeds my (very high) expectations. Wish I had a CPU that could run FSX well, but alas, the FS9 version is perfect!

The only issue I've had is that some AI aircraft (not my own, though) seem to be floating above the taxiways. It's not very much, but still noticeable. I first noticed it when I watched an American Eagle CRJ-700 landing on 18R. I also noticed it on the innermost N/S taxiway on the west side of the airport. Any thoughts/fixes?

The only other thing I noticed is that the aircraft landing on 17L seem to be a good bit off center (not close to being off the runway, but the left main gear is still to the right of the centerline.

