Author Topic: Issues with Leonardo Maddog Exterior Model After Adding GSX Seated Passengers  (Read 160 times)


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I have had issues with the Leonardo Maddog in FS2024 in reference to GSX. The aircraft exterior model worked fine before adding seated passengers to the aircraft via the FSDT Installer with no bugs or issues. After adding the seated passengers via the FSDT Installer, the aircraft has had extensive exterior model issues with the MD-88 and MD-83 models. This includes there being no exterior skin, as well as the exterior model being frozen in the state pictured below. I have looked for all remedies to this however, none work. Here is also the livery used in this particular case, but as noted, it happens with all models and textures, even the base ones for the MD-88 and MD-83. is the livery
« Last Edit: March 29, 2025, 10:48:40 pm by virtuali »


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I will say I believe this problem stems from somewhere within the model file that the FSDT Installer places into the aircraft folder when adding seated passengers