Hi there.
I installed GSX Pro yesterday using the FSDT standard installer. Once the process was complete, I noticed that the "Start Couatl" desktop shortcut looked broken as it didn't display the application's logo, compared to when I last had GSX installed some months back (on the same machine and with the same operating system, antivirus, etc.)
(See Screenshot 1 attached)
If I click on the shortcut anyway, I briefly see the Windows spinning cursor icon, but then nothing happens and there is no Couatl logo in the system tray.
I tried adding the Addon Manager folder to the exceptions in my antivirus as instructed in other threads (see Screenshot 2 attached) and re-running Live Update but this did not correct the issue.
I then decided to try going into the "Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\couatl64" folder that the shortcut points to (see Screenshot 3 attached), and tried running Couatl64_MSFS2024.exe directly (I know it should not be opened that way, but since the boot program was clearly not working, I thought I'd try). That did actually result in the Couatl app appearing in the system tray. So I then started FS2024. GSX appears in the cockpit toolbar but when I tried to open it, I got the following error. (Screenshot 4 attached)
The error offered me the option to open the log, which I've attached here. (Couatl.err.txt)
I also accepted the option to restart the application, but this quickly produces the same error above and henceforth it's stuck in a cycle. I eventually stopped Couatl completely using Task Manager.
I also re-attempted to fix the issue with Live Update but that still didn't resolve it.
As instructed in another thread, I downloaded your copy of Couatl_MSFS.ini and dropped it into %APPDATA%\Virtuali where I got an error that the file already exists there, so accepted to replace it. I then attempted to start Couatl again using the normal desktop shortcut, but unlike what the instructions suggest, I did not see a file called Couatl.LOG in the %APPDATA%\Virtuali folder afterwards. I did see one called couatl64_boot.log and have attached it here (I had to change the extension to txt in order to upload) in case it is of any help.
At this point, I've run out of options and am feeling a bit frustrated? Any help from the team would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.