Greetings to all,
As the title indicates, I am currently grappling with a persistent issue. Despite trying all suggested solutions, I have yet to find a resolution.
I'd like to express my gratitude once again to Umberto for his generous assistance in both the Microsoft forum and this one, where he reviewed my log file and found no apparent problems. However, I felt it necessary to create a separate thread to seek a satisfactory conclusion to my predicament.
In addition to the log file I previously submitted for review, I have uploaded a few other files that seem irregular, or at least that is my impression. One file references a restart of the couatle_MSFS2024.exe code, which precisely mirrors the problem I am encountering. This is not merely a simple restart; it occurs repeatedly once i'm in any airport. I am also facing the "obtaining processname:Access is denied' error.
When I run the couatle.exefile in the Windows 11 environment, it behaves normally and remains in the taskbar. However, upon entering the simulator—especially during the aircraft loading—it crashes precisely at that moment. It then reopens, and this cycle continues incessantly.
I am curious about why the couatl.exe operates normally in Windows, yet repeatedly opens and closes in the simulator environment.
Additionally, I have thoroughly read the entire PDF guide and double-checked everything with care. I should also mention that I emptied my community folder, retaining only two GSX files, but noticed no significant difference.