At Budapest LHBP when selecting any gate, you are beeing spawned to a gate, but facing a different direction then the yellow line and the jetway is. I've tried to deselect this airport from the Jetway Replacement, but no luck
You haven't said what "Budapest LHBP" means. It's a 3rd party scenery ? If yes, it must be Disabled (on the right side) from the GSX replacement files. If you are sure it's disabled, then GSX is not causing any conflict so, the only possible reasons for this problem are:
- The airport profile is not made for that airport.
- The airport profile was made for that airport, but the scenery has been updated in the meantime (perhaps changing some positions) but the profile hasn't.
- The profile simply has bugs.
The easiest way to verify this, is just removing the profile and restart GSX. If the airplane is positioned correctly, then you can be sure the problem is in the profile itself.