If i am not mistaken since Version 3.3.3 it was noted in changelog that Recognition of the 200 and 300 variants of the Microsoft A330 in MSFS 2024 has been implemented.
Everything seems working as intended and i now on Version 3.3.6
However i am trying to disable stairs on the aft door and only allow stairs on L1 L2 on a remote bay that has no jetway. Doing so results in a creation of a custom cfg profile pointing towards AppData\Roaming\virtuali\Airplanes\microsoft-a330\200.
The problem arises that both A330 variants -200 and -300 seems to be pointing towards a single CFG file and it is creating a lot of missmatch like tow truck spot, door access points for stairs and cargo loader.
Is there any way to circumvent this as i do not want any stairs for door L4.