Author Topic: Catering and Passengar bus no longer showing up.  (Read 295 times)


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Catering and Passengar bus no longer showing up.
« on: February 01, 2025, 05:15:41 pm »
I purchased GSX Pro to augment my experience with the ATR 72-600 and FS2Crew. When I first set it up the experience was the fuel truck would show, then the catering truck would show, then the boarding would start at some point. A bus would show up and passengers would debark and load onto the aircraft.
A few updates later and now the catering and bus no longer show. I haven't changed anything and I use the same gate and airport. D5@KSEA.

I know the boarding and catering are triggered since I hear the GSX voice state that.

This is MSFS 2020 and the latest update.

Any idea how to troubleshoot something like this. I haven't changed any process or added any new features and scenery. The only thing I can think of are new liveries for the ATR.

I appreciate any feedback about this.



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Re: Catering and Passengar bus no longer showing up.
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2025, 05:35:00 pm »
I know the boarding and catering are triggered since I hear the GSX voice state that.

Then you know GSX is working and it started the service, so your problem might be only visual. For example, if you have AutoFPS utility, it's possible it's changing the Objects LOD settings without you realizing it, so the objects are there, buy they won't be seen, because the LOD went far too down.

Another possible reason is having exceeded the maximum number of Simobjects in the sim, usually due to too high AI traffic and/or too dense airports. The GSX manual has a chapter dedicated to this, with all possible suggestions to reduce GSX own contribution to the number of objects, and explanations why it's not the only one contributing to it. It's at Page 96.

Lastly, a change/problem in the GSX airplane profile might cause this, like having some or all doors not set correctly, resulting in no vehicle being found for that door configuration (usually heights too low or not set at all)