Author Topic: Network / Voice control  (Read 365 times)


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Network / Voice control
« on: January 26, 2025, 08:59:06 pm »
First of all thank you for all the great work on GSX. I bought it when it first came out for FSX and have watched the tireless work to add extra features.

I am on old time flight simmer and just decided to move from P3D to MSFS2020. Yes I know I am behind the times, but I like things to be tried and tested and looking at what people have said about MSFS2024. I will move when it is stable. Of course I am working at building my collection again, my old P3D addons collecting virtual dust.

I have been looking through the forums with people asking for network connection so the display is not on the main screen, something that is not a problem for me, although can be intrusive and break the immersion. I know this is probably a lot of work, however I know you have a sort of API that other developers can tap into. I wondered if this was something that could make the next step for GSX, voice control.

There seems to be two voice control addons for MSFS, BeyondATC and SayIntentions. If these could interface with GSX, this would remove the need for the use of GSX's selection page. A simple added button for ground comms on the afformention addon and the ability to talk to GSX. All it would need is to be able to run the commant in the interface.

A simple flight demo. Pilot uses ATC to get clearance, request push and start, select ground comms and ask for push back and direction (yes you would need to keep the custom part on the screen). The pushback completes and the comms disconnect.
On landing the ground controller gives a parking gate. This info is relayed to GSX and the marshaller is assigned at the gate, without anything extra needed from the pilot. If a followme car is needed the pilot can ask.
You get to the gate and a marshaller is there already. You shut down and ground comms come available. You now communicate via voice to ask for disboarding, fuel and anything else you need.

This would be a selling point for both GSX and which ever ATC addon decided to bite.

It would help anybody who wants to run on a network pc or uses a full size cockpit and does not want a big GSX box flying in the air in front of them. The box could be hidden, only needed if changes was made


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Re: Network / Voice control
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2025, 12:01:03 pm »
There seems to be two voice control addons for MSFS, BeyondATC and SayIntentions. If these could interface with GSX, this would remove the need for the use of GSX's selection page.

Of course they can interface with GSX, doing something similar to what other developers like Fenix, Leonardo and FS Labs are doing in their airplane, that is remote controlling GSX.

We have been in contact with both developers offering our support, but there's no way for us to know when they are going to add GSX integration features, but we can only repeat and confirm, if they need any help, we are obviously willing to explain exactly how to do that, like we did with all the other developers that implemented Remote Controls feature following our guidance.


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Re: Network / Voice control
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2025, 01:35:40 pm »
As always, a great reply and great to know that you are willing to support intigration

I have suggested it to Beyond ATC. I think it would be a great option.

Once again, loving the way GSX has grown from the original release.

Thank you