If I read this correctly does this mean I won't see baggage being unloaded or fuel trucks
No, of course it doesn't mean that. I suggest reading the manual, to understand what Airport Services are, they are presented fairly early in the manual, at Page 8 but if you want the short version of it, the lack of Airport Service won't affect in ANY way GSX own ground services.
The ONLY thing that will change without Airport Services installed, is the operator selection for DEFAULT Ground Vehicles (those that wander around the airport or service AI planes) will be less granular, since the operator will be selected "by region" (there are 26 regions in the sim, the manual has a map of course), instead than "by airport". So no, you won't miss anything, except for a less granular operator choice for vehicles NOT servicing your airplane through the GSX menu.
This was also repeated in the manual, at Page 97, which suggest to disable all Airport Services to speed up loading, precisely because their lack doesn't affect GSX operations in any way.
I'm not seeing them now except for the push back tug
Every vehicle works just fine so, please open a new thread, with a proper title, making an accurate report including *every* possible detail (airplane, airport, gate, GSX profile, everything), so we can understand what is causing this on your situation.
It might be something as trivial has having surpassed the maximum Simobjects limits, which is global and shared by all add-ons, which is easier to exceed at large airports with lots of AI traffic, and there's just nothing we can do about it. Or, more precisely, by reading the manual at Page 96, the paragraph named "Missing Objects" offers some suggestions how to reduce GSX own contribution to the overall Simobject limit which, again, is a combination of all installed add-ons.