As explained so many times, both here and of course on the manual, you should never use the public forum to ask questions about orders and activation, because my next question would then be something about your order and your key, which we cannot obviously share in public.
That's why, questions about orders should be made only by email. I can only offer you generic suggestions, since I cannot possibly tell you here in case you might have mis-typed the key, something I can obviously do if you just sent an email to support with a screenshot showing the error.
But that's not really the point, the point is the program shouldn't have reverted to Trial mode, unless you changed major hardware components. If you haven't, then only reason I can think of is something changing in your Windows account or installation. For example, if you changed your Windows user login, you must reactivate in the new user account, because the activation is saved in the user registry. Or if you downgraded your user permissions from Admin to Standard after activating when you had admin access.
Whatever the reason, even if the program reverted to Trial mode, it can be reactivated, but I cannot possibly tell you why it's not in your case, for the reasons I just explained before so, back to support email now.