Good evening,
I purchased this scenery a few months ago. I have flickering runway textures and taxiway textures, always near runways (especially the ends of the runways). This is not the only FSDreamteam I have this problem with, I also have it with KLAX and KDFW!
And before anybody asks, I do my testing. When I load up FS9 and go direct to the airport (PHNL, KLAX and KDFW, the problem doesn't appear), but when I fly from another airport to any of these addons, the problem appears on landing.
And no, I do not have any third party addon mesh or scenery in any of these areas that could cause problems. I literally only have the airports installed in these areas, so nothing else is conflicting with them and the latest downloads of these airports!
I did a flight today from Flytampa KSFO direct to FSDreamteam PHNL (all over water without any other addons). So my question is, could this be a problem with the elevation and the default stock airport? Or could it be to do with the static height of my aircraft I am using?
Other than that, I can only think it is something to do with the sceneries themselves as it is not isolated to just one scenery
As I do not have any conflicting local addons installed, I am at a loss.
Any help would be appreciated.
I look forward to hearing from someone
Gavin Moss