Just select MSFS 2024 from the drop-down menu under the "Release Notes" button, and click Relink.
But what to do meanwhile we cannot deactivate streamed airports? i.e. LSZH Zurich gets streamed too
The workaround to rename for asobo_xxx or microsoft_xxx cannot be used for linked airports?
Thanks for the reply. I am brand new in FS2024. Where do I see release notes. In FSDT Installer? in MSFS2024?? where do I find it?
I have all your US airports installed in FS2020 now and would love to get KORD, KCLT, CYVR, KEYW, KSDF into FS2024. I am not too computer savy, so a litttle more detail would be helpful as I don't want to mess anything up.