Author Topic: GSX Seated Passengers Maddog MD80  (Read 3341 times)


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Re: GSX Seated Passengers Maddog MD80
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2024, 04:14:02 pm »
If there was an issue with that, it would happen to everybody and of course I could replicate it, which I couldn't. You said it happens even with no liveries installed, in this case, the ONLY file modified by GSX is this one:


Can you post it before and after enabling passengers in GSX ?


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Re: GSX Seated Passengers Maddog MD80
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2024, 11:47:47 pm »
Just for giggles. I did a Rip/Replace of the aircraft. On first run, the default MD-82 was fine, the default MD-83 was missing the external model and then the default MD-88 was fine. Without restarting the sim, I loaded the MD-83 again after having just loaded the MD-88 and this time it was fine. So, even though I'd done this before and it didn't work then, it did this time.

Here are the steps for livery additions if you are using add-on linker like I am:

1. Enable the skins in Add-on Linker
2. Open the Fly the MaddogX Load Manager.
3. Within the load manager, select the aircraft you have added skins you enabled in Add-on Linker and then click the Liver Manager Button. You should see all your liveries in the Added column.
4. Click the Apply button in the liveries manager.
5. Open GSX and enable the MaddogX

That should work. It's working on my end, although I think I'm running into a skin number limitation for the MD-82 in the load manager. It appears it doesn't like more that 332 skins for some reason. Still trying to figure that one out, but for this model issue, the recommended rip/replace has worked and the steps above allow for the seated passengers.

Sorry I didn't get a chance to post this earlier.


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Re: GSX Seated Passengers Maddog MD80
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2024, 11:00:13 am »
it seems it was a problem with certain liveries.

That's why I asked which ones:

If you are noticing this with a particular livery, please provide a link or a reference to which livery is, exactly.

here are some screenshots - when activating the seated pax - a new folder model is made - not in all liveries but in many - and the model.cfg - which is made in this folder, has the wrong path - so the exterior model gets destroyed!


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Re: GSX Seated Passengers Maddog MD80
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2024, 01:30:05 pm »
to my post before - this are the affected liveries in my case:

lsh-maddogx-livery-AMERICAN AIRLINES N501AA\SimObjects\Airplanes\MaddogX-Livery-AMERICAN AIRLINES N501AA\model.AAL

the content which is new in the model folder (MaddogX-Livery-OE-LDP) can be found in the attachment.


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Re: GSX Seated Passengers Maddog MD80
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2025, 12:50:50 pm »
Did that already. Results are the same. I'm well, well versed in files related to getting liveries working in the sim. I have over 4TB of skins all managed with PS scripting. So, there is definitely something wrong when the default install and default skins fail to load the external model with no custom skins installed. Remove GSX and the default skins go back to working. That tells me there is a potential issue in the XML file that GSX writes to the model.cfg file for the aircraft/skin.

Exactly the same with me. GSX causes the default aircraft with no liveries to disappear.


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Re: GSX Seated Passengers Maddog MD80
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2025, 01:50:26 pm »
Please provide the precise, exact link to a livery that has this problem, so I can check that.


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Re: GSX Seated Passengers Maddog MD80
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2025, 05:42:45 am »
Did that already. Results are the same. I'm well, well versed in files related to getting liveries working in the sim. I have over 4TB of skins all managed with PS scripting. So, there is definitely something wrong when the default install and default skins fail to load the external model with no custom skins installed. Remove GSX and the default skins go back to working. That tells me there is a potential issue in the XML file that GSX writes to the model.cfg file for the aircraft/skin.

Am exactly the same. Reinstalled multiple times with no other liveries installed and the default aircraft disappears and just shows the cabin when I turn on Seated Passengers.