Author Topic: GSX does not work at airports with AES and intelliscene.cfg  (Read 3554 times)


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Re: GSX does not work at airports with AES and intelliscene.cfg
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2024, 06:55:57 pm »
Maybe it would be good if you would provide a version without errors?

Which is why I said "this NEW error completely unrelated to the previous one, will be fixed in the next update."

i think that it should also be in your interest that your software works. How many more updates do I have to wait for?

Since the previous intelliscene error was fixed as soon it was reported, you shouldn't have any doubts this new error will be fixed as well, now that it has been reported. The problem is happening only with a 18 years old simulator (FSX), you can't expect we'd test it as thoroughly as with MSFS.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2024, 06:57:41 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX does not work at airports with AES and intelliscene.cfg
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2024, 07:28:58 pm »
No error was repaired with the last update.
I would just like to point out that You still sell GSX Level2 for FSX. Then it should work, even if it is 18 years old. Or you finally provide a version for FSX / GSX L2 that works properly. It's always the same: You always blame your customers for your software not working.
Every update that is supposed to eliminate errors produces new errors. I can expect you to test the products you sell just as thoroughly.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2024, 07:48:10 pm by Beech_Air »


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Re: GSX does not work at airports with AES and intelliscene.cfg
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2024, 02:06:07 pm »
I would just like to point out that You still sell GSX Level2 for FSX.

And I would like to point out it's sold in TRIAL VERSION so, if anybody buys GSX for FSX today, he can (or he should) verify how it works before purchase.

About existing users, it has been proven multiple time that problems ARE eventually fixed even in outdated simulators (we announced to have dropped support for FSX in 2017, that is 7 years ago!! ), but you just can't expect or demand those to be fixed as quickly as we do with current platforms, let alone expect we'd test every release with FSX.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 02:08:43 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX does not work at airports with AES and intelliscene.cfg
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2024, 09:35:45 pm »
I would just like to point out that You still sell GSX Level2 for FSX.

And I would like to point out it's sold in TRIAL VERSION so, if anybody buys GSX for FSX today, he can (or he should) verify how it works before purchase.

About existing users, it has been proven multiple time that problems ARE eventually fixed even in outdated simulators (we announced to have dropped support for FSX in 2017, that is 7 years ago!! ), but you just can't expect or demand those to be fixed as quickly as we do with current platforms, let alone expect we'd test every release with FSX.

Sorry, but this doesn't seem fair to customers... If you really announced to have dropped support for FSX in 2017 (any link pls?), why are you still selling GSX as "for FSX (...)"?

I bought GSX in 2019, and believe me, if the information about discontinuation of support for FSX was visible on the product page in the store, I would not have purchased GSX.

If you respect your customers, it might be a good idea to short info "No support for FSX" on product page in Simmarket...


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Re: GSX does not work at airports with AES and intelliscene.cfg
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2024, 09:48:21 pm »
If you really announced to have dropped support for FSX in 2017 (any link pls?)

Sticky thread on the main General forum, dated July 2017:,16116.0.html

why are you still selling GSX as "for FSX"

We are offering it as a TRIAL VERSION, nobody is forced to buy it.

I bought GSX in 2019, and believe me, if the information about discontinuation of support for FSX was visible on the product page in the store, I would not have purchased GSX.

The only information you should rely on, is the one on our site.

If you respect your customers, it might be a good idea to short info "No support for FSX" on product page in Simmarket...

It's just not true there's "no support" for FSX. It's just that is will obviously be SLOWER because it IS an 18-years old simulator for which we publicly announced to have stopped any new development 8 years ago. And the issue discussed here, is not even related entirely to GSX, it's a problem related to an even OLDER product, AES.

Really, you must be realistic: if you decided to keep using an 18-years old simulator at the end of 2024, you should be prepared to encounter issues due to the lack of testing on this ancient platform. AGAIN: the problems WILL be fixed, you just can't expect or demand they will be fixed *immediately*


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Re: GSX does not work at airports with AES and intelliscene.cfg
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2024, 08:10:11 am »
I have also AES and many airports supported by AES is there a fix for the issue of intelliscene?


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Re: GSX does not work at airports with AES and intelliscene.cfg
« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2024, 05:05:45 pm »
We old and outdated user of GSX L2 for FSX/P3D would be happy if we finally had at least ONE clean working version that we could save and roll back if necessary. I can't remember the last time Umberto released a version without any errors.
We are NOT asking for new developments for our outdated software, but it MUST work. If Umberto can't or doesn't want to test it, then he should take FSX/P3D out of the Live Update instead of generating new bugs permanently. But first all bugs have to be fixed.

The error occurs when starting the sim at an AES airport with an aircraft with intelliscene.cfg > GSX is not loaded at all. For error message see my reply #12.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2024, 12:08:02 pm by Beech_Air »


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Re: GSX does not work at airports with AES and intelliscene.cfg
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2024, 02:15:56 pm »
All errors with FSX should be fixed in 3.3.1