Author Topic: FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2024 - Inibuilds Aircraft (a330, 321), dont move after pushback  (Read 982 times)


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When i using the GSX for the pushback with Inibuilds Aircrafts (i only tested with A330 and A321), the plane doesnt move even whit TOGA detend, (and yes, i removed the chocks before enter the aircraft).

The aircraft works properly only using the standart Pushback of the sim.


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Im really not sure this is based on GSX.
I have the very same with Inib planes, without GSX installed. Infact ive made a post in msfs discord where various other users reported the same. Also in other discords and in livestreams it could be seen. Before GSX released.

Im not saying the same cannot happen due to incompatibility mentioned by umberto but like said, i have the same issue before GSX.