This whole issue was caused because you moved your Community folder alone, and made a link to it with the Addon Linker. This is wrong, and explains why the FSDT Installer was still pointing to the original location: because the UserCfg.opt didn't change with this method.
What must be understood, is that MSFS is designed to move your entire CONTENT folder, not just the Community folder! The Content folder is what *contains* both Community and Official, so the proper way to moving it outside of C: is moving the containing folder (called "Content" in MSFS 2020 and "Storage" in MSFS 2024), and that's even better, because you'll save MORE space on C: since you are moving the whole Content. This is how MSFS was designed to work, and of course it's what the FSDT Installer fully support.
By following this method, you don't need to create links, you just move the containing folders AND update in the UserCFG.opt to show that, so MSFS won't complain about missing 169GB, the FSDT Installer will recognize it, everything will work, because this is the ONE and ONLY official method that you are supposed to use.
For example, assume you have the Content folders here ( MS Store version example ) by default:
Your UserCfg.opt will show this:
InstalledPackagesPath "C:\Users\YOURNAME\Appdata\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages"
It shows the CONTAINING folder, not the individual ones, because MSFS assumes that Official and Community will ALWASY be together! Changing this with Addon Linker links will break this concept, so you'll either confuse the FSDT Installer which clearly complies with the official supported installation method, or you'll make MSFS itself complaining about missing 166GB of stuff, because you broke the relationship between Official and Community.
So you want to move it on F: let's say you made a new folder called F:\MSFS, what you should do is:
- Move all Official and Community INSIDE this new folder, so they'll end up like this:
- Change the UserCfg.opt like this:
InstalledPackagesPath "F:\MSFS"
This is the correct way to move your CONTENT, MSFS will recognize it, the FSDT installer will recognize it, every other installer will recognize it, and not only MSFS won't complain it's missing 169GB but, you would save an additional 169GB on C:, because you moved Official as well!
And, you don't even have to handle this with the Addon Linker, it will just recognize it as a properly moved Content, and that's it.