Author Topic: GSX Pro Jetways at EGCC (Default) versus default Jetways (Problem) - Umberto  (Read 450 times)


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Small experiment.

Can anyone here (Umberto or someone else) confirm the following:

EGCC (Manchester Airport-Default Asobo)
Gate 27 (Pier C)

Load up with the default Asobo Jetway and advise/confirm if it is operational and aligned. Check it is not broken into 2 or more sections.

Then, have GSX Pro add it's Jetways to the airport EGCC (same parking position Pier C Gate 27) and let me know what the result is.

And by all means, check other Jetways in the vicinity or the entire airport.

Much appreciated.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2024, 12:03:48 pm by XCLTM3 »
Latebra Factum, Tertia Optio