Hello. I have set my max pax count in Simbrief to 370, which is the PMDG 777 capacity. I´m using "Awemeter" profile as an base, I´we changed weight´s a bit to match reality. Pax weight is set to 84 kg and luggage weight to 14 kg.
I´ll let GSX Pro to handle boarding, fueling and deboarding of the aircraft, because I like what GSX does. Maybe the issue is this, PMDG has three class configuration by default. First Class 12 seats, Business Class 42 seats and Economy Class 315 seats. GSX Pro only regonizes two class configuration and in this case it set´s pax amount via ZFW, which it takes from Simbrief. This is from GSX Manual PMDG section page 114:
"By Pax/Payload method
This is a method that assumes a standard airplane profile for the PMDG has been
used on Simbrief (we tested the ones made by Awemeter), which sets the passenger
weight to be 190 lbs (86.2 kg). and this should ensure that Pax number,
Cargo and ZFW will all match Simbrief.
GSX will recognize if the current airframe is set to use a Dual or Single class configuration,
but since Simbrief only returns a single figure for the number of passengers,
it will randomly split passengers between the two classes, respecting the
limits for each one as setup by PMDG for each supported variant.
Cargo will be set according to Simbrief Cargo value, and will be distributed between
FWD and AFT using the same rules normally used by PMDG for each variant.
However, if the number of passengers planned on Simbrief would exceed the
maximum allowed by PMDG, GSX will switch to set the Payload by ZFW instead."
So basicly GSX Pro is doing what it is suppose to do, it takes pax amount correctly, in my case 338, but because of the planes three class configuration, it set´s pax amount via ZFW. If you calculate 338x84 kg = 28392kg and luggage 338x14 = 4732 plus 15000 tons of freight. Payload is 48124 kg´s and addted to empty weight 168591 kg total ZFW is 216715 kg, which equals 257 passengers. But this is fine by me, because I usually use British Airways livery by "Atarium" and in reality BA 777-300ER has two configurations, one is 256 passengers and other 299 passengers. I´ll just change max pax amount to 257 and this issue should be fine
I calculated what is set in PMDG 777 as default weight of one passenger. It is 86,21 kilos. So I´ll have to change it on Simbrief