Problem is with PANC tried several gates, GSX pops up, says parking stall to small, then menu disappears, whereas before the "too small" message would go away and you could still use pushback.
You are describing what is normally supposed to happen and always happened since GSX came out, in 2012, see here:,6412.0.htmlIf you start a flight on a gate that is too small for GSX, you can't do anything, you'll just get the error message, but no service can be called. This is how GSX always worked, and I posted a link on that old post from 2012 so you can have a confirmation of that, see what the user said back then:
It then says that I cannot get any ground services at the selected Parking Spot
Now, back then there weren't so many options like the one to set the wingspan on that parking spot or just ignore it entirely globally in the settings, which we have now.
And, in FSX/P3D the GSX Settings menu were accessible with a *separate* menu, since in those simulators it was possible to have a main menu, with several nested sub-menus, so we could afford the luxury of having a dedicated menu for the GSX Settings, another one to edit the airplane profile, another one to edit the airport, another one to restart GSX, etc. We can't do that in MSFS, because nested menus are not possible, so we would have taken over the whole toolbar, so all different options are in the same menu in MSFS, which explains why, if you start on a parking that is seen as "Too small", you can't do anything unless you exit from the parking, because there's just a single menu that controls both services and settings.
So yes, there's room for improvement, so we might enable at least the settings buttons and the "reposition" option in that case, but that's just a design improvement, the way it is now, is not a bug, it's how GSX pro always worked in MSFS: the menu doesn't do anything if you *start* a flight in a parking that is too small.