How long does a flight need to be delayed beyond the SimBried ETD, before GSX will no longer allow services to be provided?
Why have this at all? - as it's quite a nuisance. In real life, aircraft get delayed all the time, but generally speaking, the flight plan does NOT have to be filed again with a new ETD (although a delay message might get sent by the company instead - but we don't have the option to do this in the sim world).
However, in any case, I would rather GSX be modified so that when I'm ready, I can just call on the services to start my flight - regardless of how long I might have been delayed. Can this be done please, or at least be a user option?
If I'm already running behind in time, then it just takes longer to have to go back into SimBrief, call up the plan, change the ETD and re-file ... very frustrating (as this has lots of other nuisance flow on ramifications).
