Will you be correcting this in KCLT since it also has the error #99?
If you mean FSDT KCLT, we don't have any error in the airport, I can't see that error logged with FSDT KCLT installed and jetway at D5 works fine.
Your error log line suggests you had this problem when you were at Gate F 80. However, this gate doesn't exists in FSDT KCLT and it doesn't exists in the default MSFS scenery either so, it seems you must have some conflict caused by extra data which added a non-existing parking spot flagged to have a jetway but not really having it.
Also, I checked the coordinates in your error log, and it shows you were still flying when you selected the (non existing) Gate F 80 at KCLT. There's a limitation in the Navdata API that it won't return any data about Jetways until after jetways have been actually loaded by the sim, but from your location I think you were too far, usually they load much later, however they shouldn't return that error so, I think it's a combination of issues.
But the log shows that I selected Gate D5 at KCLT (I was on approach, below 10,000' and slower than 250kts when I selected Concourse D|Gate 5, Then, the log refers to Gate F80 which was the gate at KPTA that I departed from an hour earlier. It seems like GSX took my request for KCLT D5 and then immediately used the info from my departure instead of my arrival gate.
Loading airport KCLT
Using airport customization from GSX.airports.kclt_fsdt_msfs
Loading user customizations from C:\Users\Captain\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali/GSX/MSFS\kclt-fsdt.ini
MSFS always use CheckIcingConditionsSimple() + surface condition
Icing test = 0 9.73718261719 False
emulateMenu_MSFS CHOICE 3
channel.balance = -1
emulateMenu_MSFS CHOICE 4
channel.balance = -1
FSDT_GSX_SetGate 15 5 0
Assistance Auto mode set externally to False
Bad Jetway data at KCLT - Concourse D|Gate 5Error: exception JETWAY_DATA in call RequestJetwayData param #99 'KCLT'
{'Airport': 'KCLT', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate F 80', 'Requested parking services to': 'Gate F 80', 'User Pos': (35.20199897440113, -81.06724781013075, 2818.16 m, 2623.47 m, 355.0647369011257, -0.029166441625976522, 0.001745329238474369, 0.0006527372341260218, 3.18211187210083, 0.0)}
Error: exception UNRECOGNIZED_ID in call AddClientEventToNotificationGroup param #2 '-1716569168'
{'Airport': 'KCLT', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate F 80', 'Requested parking services to': 'Gate F 80', 'User Pos': (35.20199897440113, -81.06724781013075, 2818.16 m, 2623.47 m, 355.0647369011257, -0.029166441625976522, 0.001745329238474369, 0.0006527372341260218, 3.18211187210083, 0.0)}
emulateMenu_MSFS CHOICE 0
channel.balance = -1
Error: exception UNRECOGNIZED_ID in call RemoveClientEvent param #2 '-1716569168'
{'Airport': 'KCLT', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate F 80', '
Requested parking services to': 'Gate F 80', 'User Pos': (35.20465229462634, -81.0674818868967, 2810.37 m, 2628.26 m, 355.07503545635706, -0.029752148447255086, 0.001745329238474369, -0.00019618439453051242, 3.18211187210083, 0.0)}
Requested parking services to Concourse D|Gate 5
Marshaller distance readout disabled by user preferences
emulateText_MSFS [GSX] Handling by American Airlines 2.0
emulateText_MSFS [GSX] Safedock© system activated at the requested parking 6