Author Topic: PMDG 777 (MSFS2020) Loads Incorrectly  (Read 530 times)


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PMDG 777 (MSFS2020) Loads Incorrectly
« on: September 29, 2024, 08:36:15 pm »

Note: I posted about this bug on the PMDG forum and was referred to FSDT. PMDG states that the bug seems to be related to GSX and that PMDG has communicated with FSDT about the issue.

Problem Description: With some (but not all) liveries (example: United Air Lines), the 777 does not completely load for flight. Much of the a/c is missing and does not function.

My version of GSX Pro is up to date as are all FSDT airports I have installed.

Assistance appreciated.