Author Topic: Latest GSX, bus sent again despite deboarding only at two airports (EIDW/EGNX)  (Read 1582 times)


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Profiles attached, this was previously fixed. For example at EGNX today, bus was sent despite pax walking from the terminal - Bus held with pax onboard and boarding looping as a result (PMDG).

Yesterday at EIDW, boarding requested (stand 418/deboarding only option selected for bus) bus sent to stand.


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Passenger Bus deboarding only showing on boarding
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2024, 08:17:14 pm »
I don't know if I am the only one here but when on JetStreams LFRS (V2) Parking 1 (Walk-in Stand) using the Fenix A320 (latest version) and I set the passenger bus on deboarding only (I have some pax waypoints) the bus still shows up on boarding, full of passengers. It stays alongside the plane, the doors are open with the passengers doing nothing. I had to restart couatl to "instant finish" the boarding process. It happened twice. I am using the latest GSX version (Version 3.1.8).
If you have any leads I would be super grateful


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I tried replicating this at EIDW gate 418, but didn't notice any problems: both pilots, crew and passengers arrived on foot. Can you please clarify the following:

- If the ignore crew in boarding/deboarding option is enabled or disabled

- If it's disabled, what was your choice when requesting to board the crew, Pilots, Crew, Both or None ?


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Please see again encountered issue today.

Bus sits outside with pax on board and pax boarding via walking as set out in profile. Crew boarding is disabled, I am not asked whether or not to board pilots, crew or none when the feature is off?

I have to reset the position to get going as the bus will remain there and boarding loops.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2024, 01:16:44 pm by kavs8 »


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I gues the bus comes if you have selected "bus only by deboarding"or "bus only bij boarding" when you have made a walk-in.


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I gues the bus comes if you have selected "bus only by deboarding"or "bus only bij boarding" when you have made a walk-in.

You are missing the point. There is an option to avoid this but it seems not to work.


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Re: Passenger Bus deboarding only showing on boarding
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2025, 05:48:51 pm »
Same, nothing is been done to fix this bug.