Author Topic: GSX Vehicles go missing  (Read 1156 times)


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GSX Vehicles go missing
« on: September 10, 2024, 01:29:04 am »
I have used GSX for some time and up to 2 months ago worked fine.  NOW, Once the GSX Menu finally displays, which takes a minute or two, selecting any Menu item and all GSX Vehicles disappear immediately.  I have attached a Couatl Zip.  Please help.  This happens with 3rd party airports and Stock Airports using Stock aircraft.  Currently am using the FBW A320N most of the time.
Thank You..


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Re: GSX Vehicles go missing
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2024, 11:17:17 am »
Your log shows several errors of missing objects that are surely and always installed with GSX, so you shouldn't miss those.

A common reason for this, is having manually copied one of both fsdreamteam-gsx packages in the Community folder, which is a mistake and not how we install GSX normally. This can also happen without realizing it if you used a backup software that is not correctly configured to handle Symbolic links so, when restoring files, it changed the links into actual folders, preventing from getting any updates, because the FSDT updater always work in the Addon Manager folder, while the sim will now only see the real folders in the Community, which might be outdated.

To verify if this is the issue, check the two gsx packages in the Community folder, and if one or both don't have the small arrow in the folder icon (which indicates a link), REMOVE the folder.

Then, go back in the FSDT Installer, which now will show "Relink", and click it, so the links will be created again.


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Re: GSX Vehicles go missing
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2024, 06:39:59 pm »
Thank you so much for your response.  I have removed the folder as suggested then relinked it via the App.  However, now while the menu generally pops up when selected, it still does some strange things.
1. Open the menu and without selecting anything it says Boarding Requested, moves the Jetway, opens the cargo doors, but also still removes the vehicles.  When selecting Request Catering or Request Fueling, the response is On The Way, but they never show.  Restarting COUATL does not help.  Any further ides?  I have included another ZIP after observing the above.
Thank you again, Jim near LAX


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Re: GSX Vehicles go missing
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2024, 11:51:28 pm »
You have still the same error, an object is missing:


And you can be sure this is installed with GSX so, your install is still not complete. Try running an CHECK with the FSDT Installer.


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Re: GSX Vehicles go missing
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2024, 03:27:35 am »
Thank you yet again, but still basically the same problem, but looks like the most recent COUATL.log seems to mention a different tug not installed??
Steps taken:
Previously deleted the folder noted above, then ran the RELINK, folder returned.
This time I updated to the most recent version as of 14/Sep/2024, then ran CHECK.
Opened MSFS 2020 using a generic airliner at a generic airport....same issue of vehicles disappearing when any GSX menu item is clicked.
So changed to a FENIX A320 and moved location to a 3rd party location NZAA, same issue.
Latest ZIP file attached

Note that after running CHECK I had a message as MSFS loaded stating it could not create the COUATL.log at C:\Program Files...........Dreamteam/AddonManager/couatl64/couatl.log THUS installed it at C:\User.....AppData\Roamijg\Virtuali\couatl.log.  I had seen this once before but not lately.

Your Thoughts,  Cheers, Jim near LAX


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Re: GSX Vehicles go missing
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2024, 10:38:27 pm »
One other thought is that in my       C:\..........Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\fsdreamteam-gsx-pro\SimObjects\GroundVehicles.......     
Folder I have 54 Sub Folders with Vehicles, NONE of these start with name   FSDT_Tug_.............


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Re: GSX Vehicles go missing
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2024, 12:40:27 am »