Yes, I know, as you say, if I call manually GSX outside Fenix integration, I have to operate doors. But what is sure is that, in previous GSX versions, doors would be opened by GSX, when calling for boarding and now, it is not anymore the case. But, this just a detail !
Speaking of GSX Fenix integration, what is also sure, almost in my case, is that PAX doors aperture are not managed. Maybe a bug in actual Fenix code ? I Don't know. So, even with the GSX integration I use (see my settings screenshot), doors remain closed, even during boarding ordered by the Fenix code. So, in conclusion, inside or outside Fenix GSX integration I have to open doors manually. Note that doors close automatically, when boarding is done ! Not very consistent all this !!!
But anyway, thanks also for your note. Because, looking in "virtuali\airplane", I found a directory named "fnx320" with a file "gsx.cfg" dated October 2022. What is sure, I NEVER had installed myself this profile file. Probably an old installation of Fenix in 2022 ? I have removed this and this changed absolutely nothing to the doors behaviors. In fact, I suspect it was even not used at all anymore, as Fenix aircraft have changed names. Also, looking Fenix doc and seeking whole Fenix Discord, it appear that an aircraft profile is not required and actual Fenix installation seem to not install one.
In conclusion, I continue to think that you should consider to open doors automatically, when ladder are in place and close them when prepare for pushback is called. But of course, this is just my humble opinion ! Not a problem for me to open doors manually ! Was just an improvement idea.