Author Topic: Delays with bus boarding (impossible to make a 25 minutes turnaround)  (Read 633 times)


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Hi everyone,
First of all thanks Umberto for this wonderful app. Since I bought GSX Pro last December I can't fly without it.
I have a couple of questions/requests concerning the boarding time with buses because there are delays that makes impossible to have a turnaround of 25 minutes unless I increase the passengers density to an unrealistic level (people walking into each other).

First point: Since one of the last updates (can't tell exactly which one) I noticed that when the bus arrives for boarding and it opens the doors, the passengers stay inside for a long time before leaving. I was wondering if this is intentional (what for?) or if it is a bug. Same for deboarding. The passengers get on the bus, but the bus takes long time before closing the doors and leaving. Is it possible to restore the correct time?

Second point: Would it be possible to have 2 buses coming together or an articulated bus with more passengers capacity to reduce the boarding times?

Third point, but that's more a wish for some future update: it would be great if we could customize the bus route to the terminal in the same fashion we can customize the passengers route. The buses always come from the back and park next to the aircraft, but in many airports the road for the vehicles pass in front of the airplanes and the bus stops in front of it. So it would be great to be able to customize their routes to be more aligned to the airport layout.

Thank you


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Re: Delays with bus boarding (impossible to make a 25 minutes turnaround)
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2024, 11:39:12 am »
First point: Since one of the last updates (can't tell exactly which one) I noticed that when the bus arrives for boarding and it opens the doors, the passengers stay inside for a long time before leaving. I was wondering if this is intentional (what for?) or if it is a bug. Same for deboarding. The passengers get on the bus, but the bus takes long time before closing the doors and leaving. Is it possible to restore the correct time?

They don't, unless you explicitly set a Delay,

Second point: Would it be possible to have 2 buses coming together or an articulated bus with more passengers capacity to reduce the boarding times?

Not until MS/Asobo will finally solve the max Simobject limit.

The buses always come from the back and park next to the aircraft, but in many airports the road for the vehicles pass in front of the airplanes and the bus stops in front of it. So it would be great to be able to customize their routes to be more aligned to the airport layout.

If the airport is made like that in real life, it's up to the airport developer to create proper paths of the "vehicle" kind and have them connected to the parking spot, so GSX will use that by preference. But yes, we are planning to allow customization of approach routes, because lots of airports are designed without much care about ground vehicles, because it takes time.