Author Topic: GSX is too on the rails, and it needs to change.  (Read 1143 times)


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GSX is too on the rails, and it needs to change.
« on: August 17, 2024, 11:02:29 am »
Apart from pushback and stairs, the actions of ground crew are not able to be individually called, dismissed, or skipped. A fuel truck will always be called, and if your plane has a custom fuel system it will not leave until it loads at least some fuel. Crucially, it will not leave if you call for pushback; in fact no services will leave upon calling for pushback until their action is complete, and there is no skip button. I can't believe I paid 50 hard earned Australian Dollars for a plugin that doesn't have a skip button, nor a dismiss button.

Lets set out an example: It's a busy day on VATSIM and I'm loading up my aircraft. My slot time is approaching, and I have underestimated the time it will take for my passengers and fuel to load. My only option in this scenario is too restart Couatl to remove the ground services. Furthermore, I need to make a quick pushback, but pushing back with GSX enforces a long waiting time while the tug connects and bypass pin is inserted. Neither I, nor the ground controller have time for this, but alas there is no skip button, forcing me to push back with another utility, and further fuelling my disdain for GSX.

Further on the topic of pushback, being able to skip the connection phase saves inordinate amounts of time when creating and testing GSX Pushback routes. Yet another reason to add a "skip animation/realism" feature.

Edit to add: "Cannot call GPU while boarding in process"... really? I'm not allowed to have my nice visual until ALL my passengers have left the plane, at which point there is a 50% chance I'll be logging off? Really hurts my chances of getting the most out of this plugin.

I understand wanting to have these services automated, but it is unacceptable that there is no option to disable this automation when the situation calls for it.

As an aside when restarting Couatl due to hiccups in the script, often the Couatl Boot process will not close on completion, staying visible in task manager. Please fix.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2024, 09:19:57 pm by VioletUtica »

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Re: GSX is too on the rails, and it needs to change.
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2024, 07:32:32 pm »
What airplane are you flying where you're having some of these issues. I know some developers have integrated GSX functionality into their airplanes in a manner such that the turnaround is automated as you're seeing, so that comes down to the aircraft developer at that point. I've never had a fuel truck show up without me asking it to, and on some of the short flights I fly where I carry fuel for both flights, that means the fuel truck won't show up at all.
Captain Kevin


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Re: GSX is too on the rails, and it needs to change.
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2024, 09:18:30 pm »
FBW A320NX and iniBuilds A310 as of recent. Fuel truck always, and I mean ALWAYS, shows up when selecting boarding or deboarding, even if I have more than enough fuel for my next flight. I don't often generate my next flight on SimBrief before I land, which may be useful in preventing the fuel truck from showing up. Will test this.


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Re: GSX is too on the rails, and it needs to change.
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2024, 03:34:04 pm »
It seems you have enabled the Assistance Services “Auto” mode option, which by default is DISABLED, without understanding what it does. Quoting from the manual, Page 32, where the option is explained:

Assistance Services “Auto” mode

This option makes GSX running on Autopilot, activating all its services in sequence. If you start from Deboarding or Boarding, the autopilot will call Cargo/Baggages services first, then Refueling and Catering at the same time. It will still be your responsibility to call Boarding when needed.

By default, with this option Disabled, you are supposed to call each service individually, when you decide to. So, for example, if you know you don't need Refueling because you have enough, you JUST don't call it.


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Re: GSX is too on the rails, and it needs to change.
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2024, 02:09:16 pm »
I see that option now, pretty silly mistake on my part. As I understand it I will need to open doors manually, however what happens if the plane I'm flying does not have it's own way of opening doors i.e. an EFB? Do I need to enter the Customise Airplane menu once per visit to the terminal? If so that feels rather clunky and unneccesary.

Additionally I believe the point of being able to skip services and/or animations still stands though, both for testing and preventing unnecessary restarts of Couatl to skip animations.


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Re: GSX is too on the rails, and it needs to change.
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2024, 02:50:09 pm »
As I understand it I will need to open doors manually, however what happens if the plane I'm flying does not have it's own way of opening doors i.e. an EFB? Do I need to enter the Customise Airplane menu once per visit to the terminal? If so that feels rather clunky and unneccesary.

You REALLY should try to read the manual because, of course, that situation is covered as well. Quoting from Page 64:

Door without open/close checks” will instruct GSX to ignore the door, and proceed with the service without waiting if it’s open or closed.