Here's the log.
I flew from ELLX to LGKR and back.
As usual, on the second flight a few pax come, then nobody else comes, but the counter goes up fast.
I see this in the log:
Exception in passengerDescriptor_Boarding empty range for randrange() (0,0, 0)
Then there's this for when the second bus arrived:
Exception in passengerDescriptor_Boarding
Same error for deboarding:
Exception in passengerDescriptor_Deboarding
The crew disembarked correctly, even with the broken passengers.
NOTE: having the seated pax feature enabled or disabled doesn't make a difference: still no pax on second flight.
Now some pictures:
Deboarding starts, but I can only see a few pax that got on in LGKR

Nobody deboarding

Deboarding complete with pax still on

Crew deboarding works...

... but the pax still stay here.