Author Topic: Help with MaddogX in LPMA  (Read 550 times)


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Help with MaddogX in LPMA
« on: October 26, 2024, 08:15:50 pm »
Hello Umberto,

I am trying to figure out why the new LPMA scenery .py (or SKBO scenery 3rd party .py) files are not recognizing the MaddogX MD-82. Focusing only on the new LPMA scenery from Atelic and for Parking Spot A10 it lists the following;

10 : (MainApronNames, customOffsetMain2), where customOffsetMain2 data shows;

def customOffsetMain2(aircraftData):

   table = {
      0: 0,
      318: 0,
      319: 0,
      320: 0,
      321: 5.40,
      736: 0.90,
      737: 0.90,
      738: 0.90,
      739: 0.90,
      757: 4.30,
      321: 6.30,
      82: 8.10,
      83: 8.10,
      88: 8.10,

Meaning, there are specific stop positions for the MD80 type. Still, when I reposition the default LSH MD-82 to gate A10, GSX places the nosewheel on the default "0" stop position at the spot, and not the dedicated MD80 stop position which is much further forward. This is what the MaddogX aircraft.cfg (located in the main LSH MaddogX folder ..\SimObjects\Airplanes\MaddogX) states;

atc_model = "MD82"
Category = "airplane"
performance="Engines\nJT8D-217A rated at 20,000 lbs\n\nCruise Speed\n0.76 Mach\n\nMax Speed\nVmo 340 kts    Mmo 0.84 Mach\n\nRange\n2,052 nm\n\nService Ceiling\n37,000 ft\n\nMax Fuel\n39,136 lbs (4,689 US gal)\n\nMax Takeoff Weight\n149,500 lbs\n\nMax Gross Weight (taxi weight)\n150,500 lbs\n\nMax Payload\n43,740 lbs"
icao_model = "MD-82"
icao_engine_type = "Jet"
icao_engine_count = 2
icao_WTC = "M"

Which leads me to believe that everything should be correct. The airplane is the default one, and all user customizations have been removed to make sure I am not screwing up anything. GSX Airplane Customization confirms only GSX internal, and Developer provided Data is available. And that the Developer Provided Data is being used. "ICAO TYPE" field in the Airplane Customization windows is blank.

The couatl error log shows this:

USER airplane title reported by Simconnect is fly the maddog x md-82
Loading aircraft.cfg from M:\MSFS 2020\Community\lsh-maddogx-aircraft\SimObjects\Airplanes\MaddogX
Loading engines.cfg from M:\MSFS 2020\Community\lsh-maddogx-aircraft\SimObjects\Airplanes\MaddogX
Loading flight_model.cfg from M:\MSFS 2020\Community\lsh-maddogx-aircraft\SimObjects\Airplanes\MaddogX
Loading gameplay.cfg from M:\MSFS 2020\Community\lsh-maddogx-aircraft\SimObjects\Airplanes\MaddogX
Loading systems.cfg from M:\MSFS 2020\Community\lsh-maddogx-aircraft\SimObjects\Airplanes\MaddogX
ATC_ID read from aircraft.cfg is I-LEOX
this airplane has 6 exits
ATC_ID_SIM read from Simconnect is I-LEOX provides aircraft data with priority 2  baseName =  MADDOGX
Using aircraft data from
Number of seats 162
Base model
ICAO Airline is
Airline Language is
Airframe-specific GSX-I-LEOX.CFG not found in M:\MSFS 2020\Community\lsh-maddogx-aircraft\SimObjects\Airplanes\MaddogX
Airframe-specific GSX-I-LEOX.CFG not found in C:\Users\xkoot\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali/Airplanes\MaddogX
Found gsx.cfg file at M:\MSFS 2020\Community\lsh-maddogx-aircraft\SimObjects\Airplanes\MaddogX\gsx.cfg

Do you maybe know why the MD82 (or MD83 for that matter) are not moving to the correct stop position based on the .py file?



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Re: Help with MaddogX in LPMA
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2024, 09:31:25 pm »
Just use 80 for all 3 variants, so you catch them all with a single line.


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Re: Help with MaddogX in LPMA
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2024, 10:59:47 pm »
I believe you mean the .py file. It comes with the scenery, but I will try to edit it to see if it makes a difference.

Thank you.


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Re: Help with MaddogX in LPMA
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2024, 03:30:38 pm »
Worked like a charm. Thank you Umberto...