Author Topic: GSX loading passengers and seated  (Read 711 times)


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GSX loading passengers and seated
« on: July 31, 2024, 05:15:16 am »
So at first i had problems the passengers would start to load and then after 10 seconds it would crash and give me this error shown below,
I notice the build was 5341 but it was suppose to be 5445.
so i uninstalled GSX completely and redownloaded the fsdt installer and then re-installed GSX pro..
So the passengers load, I'm using the PMDG 777 by the way and so all of them loaded.
How ever they walk though the entire plane but when they get to their seats, the passngers would disappear, is that suppose to happen, and i thought they stay seated though out the flight until deboarding?
So what am i doing wrong here that the passengers disappear as soon as they get to their seats??
Please some one let me know.

couatl v4.8 (build 5341)
panic log started on Tue Jul 30 21:14:24 2024

problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\common\", line 205, in _observer
  File ".\common\", line 236, in _advanceWalk
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 140, in approachSeat
AttributeError: 'AnimationPlayerA' object has no attribute 'endAnimation'
{'Airport': 'MYNN', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 0', 'User Pos': (25.048737175964806, -77.46829391970029, 8.32768 m, 4.21454 m, 146.3099477868676, 0.0075503880204596955, 0.007853982038795948, 8.091643092065122e-05, 4.129735134887696, 1.0)}