Author Topic: Cabin passenger feature.  (Read 1075 times)


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Cabin passenger feature.
« on: July 25, 2024, 05:57:47 pm »
Not working as expected.
Phoenix A320; The cabin doors open but not the cargo doors, I have to open them manually.
Passengers board and take their seats as intended.
PMDG 737-800; Cabin and cargo doors open as intended. The passengers board but disappear when they enter the cabin.
PMDG 777-300; Cabin and cargo doors do not open. Must open manually. The passengers board, but disappear when they enter the cabin.
Tried at different airports but same result.
All of my aircrafts above are completely without tweeks.
Also think that passengers boarding should walk at the same speed. Looks hillerius when they walk at different speeds and go right through each other.
I have not figured out how to open the cockpit door on the PMDG 737. As far as I understand, that function does not exist. Am I wrong?
« Last Edit: July 25, 2024, 06:00:16 pm by Stroggs »


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Re: Cabin passenger feature.
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2024, 04:47:18 am »
PMDG 737-800; Cabin and cargo doors open as intended. The passengers board but disappear when they enter the cabin.

I have been having the same problem with the PMDG 737. I have tried with the 800 and 900, both purchased direct from PMDG. I am running the latest version of GSX Pro and all my PMDG aircraft are up-to-date.

I tried flipping the seatbelt/no smoking signs to off, both separately and together, after reading various posts on here, but no combination makes any difference. The checkboxes in the config manager to enable passengers are checked, and I tried unchecking/re-checking them, but to no avail. I have only tried with official PMDG liveries, including house liveries.

The passengers will enter the aircraft, but they disappear as soon as they enter the cabin, and will not re-appear regardless of switch positions or the type of camera view I am using.

All other functions of GSX work perfectly for me.


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Re: Cabin passenger feature.
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2024, 12:36:03 am »
Be sure you have the latest update 3.0.8