Author Topic: GSX JFK V2 not working FSX  (Read 1648 times)


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GSX JFK V2 not working FSX
« on: June 27, 2024, 01:07:52 am »
Hey there,

I am currently struggling with GSX at JFK in FSX. After selecting the handling operator, and I can take any, then the error as shown in the error text below comes up.

I have run the Live Updater multiple times, I have checked if any personal airport configuration is installed in Virtuali/GSX but I can't find an answer. I have now also tested GSX with my personally created LTAI/AYT profile and there are absolutely no issues so it is an issue with KJFK V2.

The problem is only the parking system. I was able to use the Jetways, Refuel, Catering, Boarding/Deboarding, Pushback and so on.

I hope y'all can help me with this.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2024, 03:00:47 pm by FCE64 »


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Re: GSX JFK V2 not working FSX - VDGS Font Issue?
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2024, 10:40:01 am »
Looking at your log file it appears we have the same issue. I have attached my log file. It appears that an error is occurring when the VDGS activates. (I'm using the GSX SafeGate24 in my case. Not a SODE VDGS.) I can load the sim at a gate without VDGS with no issues but as soon as I move to a gate with VDGS then GSX crashes. When I arrive at an airport, GSX will crash when I specify a gate with VDGS. This issue has occurred after one of the more recent updates as I had no issues a week or so ago.

I'm using Prepar3d 5.4.

Sorry that I'm not solving your issue, but at least there are two of us with the same problem!!



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Re: GSX JFK V2 not working FSX
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2024, 11:31:09 pm »
It seems both your problem are caused by not having updated GSX, because the new Fonts for FSX/P3D has been added with the Feb. 24th update:

GSX (FSX/P3D): Safegate3 VGDS backported from MSFS, to allow Simbrief information in FSX/P3D.


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Re: GSX JFK V2 not working FSX
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2024, 11:51:11 pm »
... now it happened again. This time with my self-created LTFM Profile. LTAI has normal marshallers and LTFM VGDS

I ran the FSDT Live Updater programme after it crashed, and it is still crashing.

I uninstalled GSX and reinstalled it, and it is still crashing.

My OS is Windows 10 and I really hope this video of my installer answers it. The installation starts with a admin popup, then the image and then the video. The moment the video ends is also the installation ends, only reaching 19 of 38.

I don't know if related or not, SODE is being updated too but somehow SODE is not starting with FSX and thus no product including GSX is not working. After reinstalling all SODE related products work again.

UPDATE: I just uninstalled MSFS I am not using (since PMDG takes time to develop the 737 MAX) and still no change. This time the update ends at 18 of 25 products. The installation crashes exactly when Geneva is next and I also uninstalled Geneva now.

This time the updater attempted to install Geneva and then this happened: I have recorded the installer again and just in one or two frames I see this error before Live Installer ends abruptly (see Microsoft Game DVR - FSDT Live Update - VLC media player 13.07.2024 02_10_59.png)

I checked my firewall settings and in fact couatl_updater was not listed in the exceptions regarding outgoing and incoming connections. I added it and still no difference.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 02:22:56 am by FCE64 »

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Re: GSX JFK V2 not working FSX
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2024, 02:26:53 am »
My OS is Windows 10 and I really hope this video of my installer answers it. The installation starts with a admin popup, then the image and then the video. The moment the video ends is also the installation ends, only reaching 19 of 38.

UPDATE: I just uninstalled MSFS I am not using (since PMDG takes time to develop the 737 MAX) and still no change. This time the update ends at 18 of 25 products. The installation crashes exactly when Geneva is next and I also uninstalled Geneva now.
You've misunderstood how the installer works. The installer checks all of the FSDreamteam products that are available, and once it's done, it will exit on its own. The reason it stops after 19 and then 18 is that's all of the FSDreamteam products that you own. It won't check the remaining FSDreamteam products since you don't have those, so it exits on its own. In other words, if you had every single FSDreamteam product, it would check all of them. Since you don't, it only checks what you have installed.
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Re: GSX JFK V2 not working FSX
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2024, 03:04:33 am »
I replaced Istanbul Airport's jetway logo with my own BTCTurk texture and even those have been replaced.

Is there any chance that I get the files just to copy and replace the old ones? I really tried everything now and I just know no way out of this. I don't know where the issue is... but is a erroneous update likely?

Or should I edit my profiles and replace the line "parkingsystem ="?

Right now all parking systems are saved by their names and not numbers so not "parkingsystem = 1" but "parkingsystem = SafeDockTS24Ground"

My OS is Windows 10 and I really hope this video of my installer answers it. The installation starts with a admin popup, then the image and then the video. The moment the video ends is also the installation ends, only reaching 19 of 38.

UPDATE: I just uninstalled MSFS I am not using (since PMDG takes time to develop the 737 MAX) and still no change. This time the update ends at 18 of 25 products. The installation crashes exactly when Geneva is next and I also uninstalled Geneva now.
You've misunderstood how the installer works. The installer checks all of the FSDreamteam products that are available, and once it's done, it will exit on its own. The reason it stops after 19 and then 18 is that's all of the FSDreamteam products that you own. It won't check the remaining FSDreamteam products since you don't have those, so it exits on its own. In other words, if you had every single FSDreamteam product, it would check all of them. Since you don't, it only checks what you have installed.

Oh, yeah. Makes sense then. I haven't installed everything indeed
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 03:07:21 am by FCE64 »