Author Topic: Upon Gate Arrival GSX Doesn't Recognize Current Simbrief Flightplan  (Read 1834 times)


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I'm obviously missing something.

At the departure gate GSX recognizes the simbrief flightplan.

On descent below 10,000 feet the script engine isn't running, even though I don't have it ticked not to run during cruise.

I restart the script engine and it just says loading until I land.

I can then choose a gate. Upon arrival at the gate after a normal taxi it no longer recognizes the simbrief flightplan and says it's not a match to the current flightplan.

- Aircraft: PMDG 773
- Flight: VIDP - KJFK

What am I doing wrong?

I7-13700K @ 5.3Ghz, MSI Z790 Tomahawk Motherboard, Corsair H100i Platinum AIO Cooler, Gigabyte RTX 4070ti GPU, Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR5 RAM, Samsung 1TB NVMe + 4 x 1TB SSD's, 27" LG 27GL850-B QHD Monitor, Cooler Master MasterCase H500, Cooler Master 1000 Watt PSU, Win10, MSFS, Logitech X52 Pro


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Re: Upon Gate Arrival GSX Doesn't Recognize Current Simbrief Flightplan
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2024, 01:11:34 am »
GSX is not supposed to recognize the flight plan you made on Departure, what would needed for ? The only info you might need of the original flightplan, would be the passengers number, and that is precisely the reason why the passenger number is NOT reset even if you restart GSX during flight or it auto-restarts automatically, or it crashes.

If you are doing a return flight, Generate the new flight plan on Simbrief first, click "Reload Simbrief" on GSX then THEN start Refueling/Catering/Boarding, etc.


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Re: Upon Gate Arrival GSX Doesn't Recognize Current Simbrief Flightplan
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2024, 01:25:01 am »
I'm not wanting to do a return flight. My problem, maybe not a problem, is when I taxi to the gate on arrival with the current simbrief flightplan it says the simbrief flightplan doesn't match and has forgotten how many passengers need to deboard. Just picks a number at random. Is that what is supposed to happen?
I7-13700K @ 5.3Ghz, MSI Z790 Tomahawk Motherboard, Corsair H100i Platinum AIO Cooler, Gigabyte RTX 4070ti GPU, Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR5 RAM, Samsung 1TB NVMe + 4 x 1TB SSD's, 27" LG 27GL850-B QHD Monitor, Cooler Master MasterCase H500, Cooler Master 1000 Watt PSU, Win10, MSFS, Logitech X52 Pro


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Re: Upon Gate Arrival GSX Doesn't Recognize Current Simbrief Flightplan
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2024, 01:27:50 am »
when I taxi to the gate on arrival with the current simbrief flightplan it says the simbrief flightplan doesn't match

Which as I've said, is exactly how is supposed to happen, because you don't need anything from the previous flightplan on arrival, except for the passengers number.

and has forgotten how many passengers need to deboard. Just picks a number at random. Is that what is supposed to happen?

No, of course, that's precisely why I said the passengers number is NOT reset in a restart. Are you using the Fenix perhaps ? There's a bug in the airplane, which reset the passengers number when GSX restarts, which it shouldn't do. We reported it to Fenix, and they say it will be fixed in the next update.


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Re: Upon Gate Arrival GSX Doesn't Recognize Current Simbrief Flightplan
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2024, 02:38:07 am »
Understood. It wasn't the Fenix it was the PMDG 777. Should I need to restart the script engine between departure and arrival or is this part of the bug you noted? I don't have the option to turn off the script engine during cruise ticked.
I7-13700K @ 5.3Ghz, MSI Z790 Tomahawk Motherboard, Corsair H100i Platinum AIO Cooler, Gigabyte RTX 4070ti GPU, Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR5 RAM, Samsung 1TB NVMe + 4 x 1TB SSD's, 27" LG 27GL850-B QHD Monitor, Cooler Master MasterCase H500, Cooler Master 1000 Watt PSU, Win10, MSFS, Logitech X52 Pro


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Re: Upon Gate Arrival GSX Doesn't Recognize Current Simbrief Flightplan
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2024, 02:25:48 pm »
Understood. It wasn't the Fenix it was the PMDG 777

We found PMDG has added some GSX integration without advertising it, and it surely sets the passengers numbers, but we don't know exactly how, we just found traces in the GSX log the airplane is setting the passengers number, and found confirmation in the 777 main .WASM file some GSX-specific variables are there, but I can't possibly say how and when they are set.

Should I need to restart the script engine between departure and arrival or is this part of the bug you noted? I don't have the option to turn off the script engine during cruise ticked

Please don't confuse the disabling of the GSX functions in cruise with a GSX restart. When you are in cruise and the option to disable GSX in cruise is Enabled, GSX will NOT restart, it will continue running, but it will stop querying the Navdata for nearby airports, to minimize the chance a bug in the Navdata API or a bug in the data itself might possibly cause a crash or a freeze of GSX, but even in this disabled state, GSX is still running.

A restart is completely different, and it's either done by you manually from the Couatl traybar icon, or automatically by the auto-restarter .exe when it detects the Couatl engine stopped running, so it auto-restarts it.

Not that this matters with your problem, since as I've said, the passenger number is NOT reset during a Restart, for the precise reason it won't be lost from the original flightplan.

So, the only possible reason why GSX "forgets" the passenger number, is because the airplane has reset it to a different value, which is a confirmed bug in the Fenix, not sure about the PMDG 777, other than being sure the airplane does set it a certain times, but I can't confirm it when.


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Re: Upon Gate Arrival GSX Doesn't Recognize Current Simbrief Flightplan
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2024, 02:19:24 am »
Ok Umberto. Thanks for the explanation. Would be nice if the plane developers take the time to make their planes compatible. Sounds like it doesn't take a lot of time and energy. Would also be nice if airport developers would take the time to set their jetways so we don't have passengers walking outside the jetways.
I7-13700K @ 5.3Ghz, MSI Z790 Tomahawk Motherboard, Corsair H100i Platinum AIO Cooler, Gigabyte RTX 4070ti GPU, Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR5 RAM, Samsung 1TB NVMe + 4 x 1TB SSD's, 27" LG 27GL850-B QHD Monitor, Cooler Master MasterCase H500, Cooler Master 1000 Watt PSU, Win10, MSFS, Logitech X52 Pro


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Re: Upon Gate Arrival GSX Doesn't Recognize Current Simbrief Flightplan
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2024, 11:15:40 pm »
Would also be nice if airport developers would take the time to set their jetways so we don't have passengers walking outside the jetways.

There's not much developers can do when using standard SDK, since the concept of a jetway "floor" height simply doesn't exists in the sim.

That's why it's solved with an airport profile, if it's well made. But it's not that difficult doing it yourself, GSX Manual Page 77, the chapter named Custom Jetway Floor heights, I think the explanation why it happens and how to fix it it's complete enough in the manual, no use repeating it here.


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Re: Upon Gate Arrival GSX Doesn't Recognize Current Simbrief Flightplan
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2024, 10:53:40 pm »
Would also be nice if airport developers would take the time to set their jetways so we don't have passengers walking outside the jetways.

There's not much developers can do when using standard SDK, since the concept of a jetway "floor" height simply doesn't exists in the sim.

That's why it's solved with an airport profile, if it's well made. But it's not that difficult doing it yourself, GSX Manual Page 77, the chapter named Custom Jetway Floor heights, I think the explanation why it happens and how to fix it it's complete enough in the manual, no use repeating it here.

Read through the manual as you suggested and now understand. Thanks for taking the time to help.

I7-13700K @ 5.3Ghz, MSI Z790 Tomahawk Motherboard, Corsair H100i Platinum AIO Cooler, Gigabyte RTX 4070ti GPU, Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR5 RAM, Samsung 1TB NVMe + 4 x 1TB SSD's, 27" LG 27GL850-B QHD Monitor, Cooler Master MasterCase H500, Cooler Master 1000 Watt PSU, Win10, MSFS, Logitech X52 Pro